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Native and introduced ecosystem engineers produce contrasting effects on estuarine infaunal communities


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Cordgrasses in the genus Spartina are good examples of ecosystem engineers that modify habitat structure in estuaries throughout the world. In San Francisco Bay, California, USA, marshes containing native California cordgrass (Spartina foliosa) are being invaded by a hybrid (S. alterniflora x S. foliosa) formed after introduction of S. alterniflora. This study compared vegetation, sediment structure, and infaunal invertebrates in native and invaded marshes. We hypothesized that differences in the physical structure between S. foliosa and hybrid Spartina would be reflected in differences in density, biomass, diversity, and taxonomic composition of infauna. Hybrid Spartina modifies habitat structure more than S. foliosa by producing taller stems, and greater plant biomass both above- and belowground while occupying a much wider tidal range, thereby transforming open mudflats to a vegetated habitat. In general, S. foliosa areas contained significantly higher densities of benthic infauna than adjacent mudflats, while hybrid Spartina areas never contained greater infaunal densities than mudflats. This is because S. foliosa produces a moderate level of structure that can facilitate benthic invertebrates, whereas hybrid Spartina produces so much structure, particularly belowground, that it actually excludes invertebrates. Therefore, we suggest that these two closely related species both act as ecosystem engineers, but with opposing effects on invertebrate communities.
机译:斯巴达纳(Spartina)属的禾本科植物是生态系统工程师的一个很好的例子,可以改变世界各地河口的栖息地结构。在美国加利福尼亚州的旧金山湾,含有天然加州香茅(Spartina foliosa)的沼泽正被引入互花米草的杂种(S. alterniflora x S. foliosa)入侵。这项研究比较了原生沼泽和入侵沼泽中的植被,沉积物结构和无脊椎动物。我们假设S. foliosa和杂交Spartina之间的物理结构差异将反映在信息系统的密度,生物量,多样性和生物分类组成上。杂交Spartina通过产生更高的茎,并在地上和地下都具有更大的植物生物量,而在潮汐范围更广的范围内,比起S. foliosa更能改变栖息地结构,从而将裸露的滩涂转化为植被。一般而言,S。foliosa地区的底栖动物密度远高于相邻的滩涂,而Spartina杂种地区的粪便密度却从未比滩涂更高。这是因为叶叶链球菌产生适度的结构,可以促进底栖无脊椎动物,而杂种斯巴达纳(Spartina)产生了如此多的结构,尤其是地下,因此实际上不包括无脊椎动物。因此,我们建议这两个密切相关的物种都充当生态系统工程师,但对无脊椎动物群落具有相反的影响。



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