首页> 外文期刊>National Wildlife >TEAMWORK: WHEN ANIMAL ENEMIES UNITE - Studying species from snathes to birds to spiders, biologists are uncovering clues to how mutually beneficial relationships evolve between predator and prey

TEAMWORK: WHEN ANIMAL ENEMIES UNITE - Studying species from snathes to birds to spiders, biologists are uncovering clues to how mutually beneficial relationships evolve between predator and prey


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Mr. T, a tubby and fidgety fellow with shifty eyes and a forehead peppered with warts, cautiously enters a local hole-in-the-wall. The air inside is heavy, but the dimly lit walls are draped in exquisite silk. In a far corner, an immense figure with ahunched back and beady eyes crouches into fight position. That's when Mr. T—a narrow-mouthed toad—begins violently snapping his sticky tongue around the giant tarantula's burrow, ensnaring fleeing ants. After the feast, he settles down for a rest beneath the spider's hairy legs—an exceedingly brave move. "Tarantulas eat toads," says Eastern Michigan University spider ecologist Cara Shillington.
机译:T先生是一个笨拙而烦躁不安的家伙,双眼发shift,额头上长着疣,小心翼翼地进入了当地的墙壁。里面的空气很沉重,但是光线昏暗的墙壁上则装饰着精美的丝绸。在一个遥远的角落里,一个巨大的人物,向后弯着腰,珠状的眼睛蹲在了战斗位置。那时,T先生(一个狭窄的蟾蜍)开始猛烈地用粘稠的舌头围住塔兰图拉毒蛛的洞穴,困住逃离的蚂蚁。宴席结束后,他在蜘蛛的毛茸茸的双腿下面安顿下来,休息一会儿,这是非常勇敢的举动。东密歇根大学的蜘蛛生态学家卡拉·希灵顿(Cara Shillington)说:“塔兰图拉毒蛛吃蟾蜍。”



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