首页> 外文期刊>Mycotaxon >Termitomyces striatus f. pileatus f. nov and f. brunneus f. nov from Cameroon with a key to central African species

Termitomyces striatus f. pileatus f. nov and f. brunneus f. nov from Cameroon with a key to central African species


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Two new forms of Termitomyces striatus are described from Cameroon and a preliminary key to the central African taxa is provided for the first time. T striatus f. pileatus is characterized by ail often subinfundibuliform pileus that is usually squamulose greyish orange when Young and cocoa brown or leather brown ill age. This new form is additionally characterized by ail obtuse to obtusely conical perforatorium, more or less conspicuously radially striate mature pileus, inconspicuous annulus present only on young basidiomes, a long filiform pseudorhiza, and polymorphic pleuro- and cheilocystidia. T. striatus f. brunncus is distinguished by a plicate- to sulcate- striate unchanging chocolate brown to dark brown pileus with it conspicuous mammiform perforatorium made of erect subcylindrical and inflated chains of cells; this form is further distinguished by polymorphic cystidia that differ from those found in T. striatus f. pileatus.
机译:喀麦隆描述了两种新形式的米氏菌,并首次提供了中部非洲分类群的初步钥匙。纹状体f。幼年和可可棕色或皮革棕褐色的成年年龄时,桩头通常为亚漏斗形的桩头,通常呈鳞片灰橙色。这种新形式还具有以下特点:全部钝于圆锥形的穿孔,钝化或多或少明显地呈放射状的条纹状成熟绒毛,仅在年轻的子鳞茎上存在不明显的环,长丝状假丝状,多形性胸膜和囊状囊肿。 T.纹状体f。布鲁氏菌的特征是皱褶状地将未变的巧克力棕色至深褐色的绒毛硫酸化,其显眼的乳突状穿孔由直立的亚圆柱形和膨胀的细胞链制成。这种形式的特征还在于多形性囊藻,它不同于T. striatus f。堆肥。



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