
Error recovery by dialysis technicians.


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Experts are believed to make fewer errors than novices. Researchers in other domains have shown that experts not only make less errors, they also detect and recover from these errors better than non-experts. To investigate this phenomenon among dialysis technicians working in hemodialysis, we evaluated the ability of dialysis technicians to detect and recover from healthcare errors. Two clinical cases with embedded errors were created by an expert nephrology nurse. Twenty-four dialysis technician subjects read the cases aloud and then answered a set of related questions. Subjects' error detection and recovery responses were scored against the clinical cases. We found that there was no significant difference between the ability of expert and non-expert dialysis technicians to detect errors. However, expert dialysis technicians recovered from significantly more healthcare errors than less experienced non-expert dialysis technicians. This has implications for training dialysis technicians in better error detection and recovery strategies.
机译:据信专家比新手犯的错误少。其他领域的研究人员表明,专家不仅会减少错误,而且与非专家相比,也能更好地检测到错误并从中恢复。为了在从事血液透析的透析技术人员中调查此现象,我们评估了透析技术人员检测并从医疗保健错误中恢复的能力。一位肾脏专科护士创建了两个带有嵌入错误的临床病例。 24名透析技术人员大声朗读了案例,然后回答了一系列相关问题。根据临床病例对受试者的错误检测和恢复反应进行评分。我们发现专家级和非专家级透析技术人员检测错误的能力之间没有显着差异。但是,与经验不足的非专家透析技术人员相比,专家透析技术人员从明显更多的医疗保健错误中恢复过来。这对培训透析技术人员进行更好的错误检测和恢复策略具有影响。



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