首页> 外文期刊>Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie. Monatshefte >Nothosaurus sp (Reptilia, Sauropterygia, Nothosauridae) from the Anisian (Middle Triassic) of Guizhou, southwestern China

Nothosaurus sp (Reptilia, Sauropterygia, Nothosauridae) from the Anisian (Middle Triassic) of Guizhou, southwestern China

机译:来自中国西南部贵州的阿尼西亚(中三叠纪)的Nothosaurus sp(Reptilia,Sauropterygia,Nothosauridae)

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A complete nothosaurid skull, exposed in ventral view, is described from the Upper Member of the Guanling Formation (Pelsonian, Middle Anisian) of Xinmin, Panxian County, Guizhou Province, southwestern China. The combination of some characters of the skull and dentition, including a spatulate rostrum followed by a marked rostral constriction, four premaxillary fangs followed by a distinctly smaller premaxillary tooth, five smaller maxillary teeth rostral to the paired maxillary fangs, makes it different from other nominal species of Nothosaurus. As data on the dorsal surface of the skull are lacking, it is identified as Nothosaurus sp., although it probably represents a new species. It is the second representative of the genus Nothosaurus from southwestern China and outside the western Tethyan faunal province, and the oldest definite record of a nothosaurid sauropterygian in southwestern China as well as one of the oldest known nothosaurids worldwide.
机译:在中国西南部贵州省盘县新民的关岭组上段(佩尔森阶,中阿尼西阶)中,描述了一个完整的露出腹面的牛鼻头颅骨。颅骨和牙列的某些特征的组合,包括结实的讲台,后跟明显的延髓缩窄,四个上颌前齿,然后是明显较小的上颌前齿,成对成对的上颌齿正尖的五个较小上颌齿,使其与其他名义上的不同的种类。由于缺少头骨背表面的数据,因此可以将其鉴定为Nothosaurus sp。,尽管它可能代表了一个新物种。它是中国西南地区和西部特提斯动物区系以外的线虫属的第二个代表,是中国西南地区最古老的直翅目蜥脚目动物的明确记录,也是全球已知的最古老的直翅目目之一。



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