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YidC assists the stepwise and stochastic folding of membrane proteins


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How chaperones, insertases and translocases facilitate insertion and folding of complex cytoplasmic proteins into cellular membranes is not fully understood. Here we utilize single-molecule force spectroscopy to observe YidC, a transmembrane chaperone and insertase, sculpting the folding trajectory of the polytopic alpha-helical membrane protein lactose permease (LacY). In the absence of YidC, unfolded LacY inserts individual structural segments into the membrane; however, misfolding dominates the process so that folding cannot be completed. YidC prevents LacY from misfolding by stabilizing the unfolded state from which LacY inserts structural segments stepwise into the membrane until folding is completed. During stepwise insertion, YidC and the membrane together stabilize the transient folds. Remarkably, the order of insertion of structural segments is stochastic, indicating that LacY can fold along variable pathways toward the native structure. Since YidC is essential in membrane protein biogenesis and LacY is a model for the major facilitator superfamily, our observations have general relevance.
机译:分子伴侣,插入酶和转座酶如何促进复杂的细胞质蛋白插入细胞膜和将其折叠到细胞膜中尚不清楚。在这里,我们利用单分子力谱来观察YidC,跨膜伴侣和插入酶,雕刻出多位α-螺旋膜蛋白乳糖通透酶(LacY)的折叠轨迹。在没有YidC的情况下,未折叠的LacY会将单个结构片段插入膜中。但是,错误折叠是该过程的主要内容,因此无法完成折叠。 YidC通过稳定展开状态来防止LacY错折叠,在该状态下LacY将结构片段逐步插入膜中,直到折叠完成。在逐步插入过程中,YidC和膜一起稳定了瞬时折叠。值得注意的是,结构片段的插入顺序是随机的,这表明LacY可以沿着通往天然结构的可变途径折叠。由于YidC在膜蛋白生物发生中必不可少,而LacY是主要促进子超家族的模型,因此我们的观察结果具有普遍意义。



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