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Short QT syndrome: mechanisms, diagnosis and treatment.


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Short QT syndrome is an inheritable primary electrical disease of the heart that was discovered in 1999. The disorder is characterized by an abnormally short QT interval (<300 ms) and a propensity to atrial fibrillation, sudden cardiac death or both. As in the case of long QT syndrome, more than one relevant genetic mutation has been identified that can lead to a short QT interval on electrocardiography; so far two have been identified. Shortening of the effective refractory period combined with increased dispersion of repolarization is the likely substrate for re-entry and life-threatening tachyarrhythmias. Thus far, 22 people have been classified as having short QT syndrome: 15 from the actual measurement of a short QT interval on electrocardiograms and 7 by history after they died from sudden cardiac death. Several cases, especially among children, have probably been overlooked, since the shortness of the QT interval becomes apparent only at heart rates less than 80 beats/min. The best form of treatment is still unknown, but prevention of atrial fibrillation has been accomplished by propafenone. Implantation of an implantable cardioverter defibrillator is recommended for prevention of sudden cardiac death.
机译:短QT综合征是1999年发现的可遗传的心脏原发性心脏病。这种疾病的特点是异常短的QT间隔(<300 ms)和心房颤动,心源性猝死或两者兼有。与长QT综合征一样,已鉴定出多个相关的基因突变,可导致心电图QT间隔缩短。到目前为止,已经确定了两个。有效不应期的缩短与复极化分散性的增加相结合,可能是重入和危及生命的快速性心律失常的底物。迄今为止,已有22人被归类为QT短综合征:根据心电图上QT短间隔的实际测量值,有15人,因心脏猝死而死的历史记录为7人。由于QT间隔的缩短仅在心率低于80次/分钟时才变得明显,所以可能忽略了一些情况,尤其是在儿童中。最佳治疗方式仍是未知的,但是普罗帕酮已完成了预防房颤的工作。建议植入可植入式心脏复律除颤器,以防止心脏猝死。



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