首页> 外文期刊>Biological invasions >The Meuse river as a corridor for range expansion of the exotic plant species Sisymbrium austriacum: evidence for long-distance seed dispersal

The Meuse river as a corridor for range expansion of the exotic plant species Sisymbrium austriacum: evidence for long-distance seed dispersal

机译:默兹河作为外来植物物种西澳大利亚州(Sisymbrium austriacum)范围扩展的走廊:长距离种子扩散的证据

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Riparian habitats are particularly prone to invasion of non-indigenous plant species and several species have been shown to rapidly expand their range along river networks, possibly mediated by the occurrence of frequent long-distance seed dispersal events. However, there is still relatively little empirical evidence for long-distance seed dispersal along river networks and most studies to date are inconclusive with regards to the direction (upstream vs. downstream) of seed movement. Using assignment analyses based on dominant AFLP markers, we provide empirical evidence that downstream long-distance seed dispersal has facilitated range expansion of the exotic plant Sisymbrium austriacum along the Meuse River. Of 242 sampled individuals, 13 (5.4%) were allocated to a population other than the one from which it was sampled. Of these, nine (3.7%) individuals were assigned to a known population within the area, the furthest being more than 20 km away from the population from which it was sampled. All putative source populations were located upstream, thus providing strong evidence for downstream migration of propagules. These results support the general view that river systems may serve as efficient transport vectors of plant species and thus may play an important role in increasing the spatial spread and range expansion of exotic plant species.
机译:河岸生境特别容易入侵非本地植物物种,并且已经显示出几种物种会沿河网迅速扩展其范围,这可能是由于频繁的长距离种子扩散事件的发生而引起的。但是,关于沿河网进行长距离种子扩散的经验证据仍然很少,迄今为止,关于种子移动的方向(上游还是下游)的大多数研究尚无定论。使用基于优势AFLP标记的分配分析,我们提供了经验证据,表明下游长距离种子传播促进了Meuse河沿岸外来植物Sisymbrium austriacum的范围扩展。在242个被采样的个体中,有13个(5.4%)被分配给了一个非采样人口。其中,有9名(3.7%)被分配到该区域内的已知人群中,最远的人群距采样人口超过20公里。所有假定的来源种群都位于上游,因此为繁殖体向下游的迁移提供了有力的证据。这些结果支持普遍的观点,即河流系统可以作为植物物种的有效运输媒介,因此在增加外来植物物种的空间扩散和范围扩展方面可以发挥重要作用。



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