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Field performance evaluation of mechanical weeders in the paddy field


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The field performance of four types of mechanical rice weeders including, single row conical weeder (W1), two rows conical weeder (W2), rotary weeder (W3) and power weeder (W4) was compared to hand weeding (W5). Two transplanted local and improved rice varieties namelyHashemiandHybrid, respectively were selected for this study. The results revealed that among the mechanical weeders, the highest weeding efficiency (84.33) was obtained with W4andHybridvariety and the lowest value (72.80) was measured with W3andHashemivariety. The average of damaged plants in mechanical weeders was obtained as 3.83 compared to 0.13 in hand weeding. The highest effective field capacities of 0.082 and 0.087 hah-1were measured with W4and the corresponding lowest values of 0.0084 and 0.0088 hah-1were obtained with W5forHashemiandHybridvarieties, respectively. The weeding cost was reduced by 15.70, 38.51, 22.32 and 48.70 for W1, W2, W3and W4, respectively as compared to W5. The highest break-even point (1.24 hayr-1) was obtained with power weeder (W4). The average break-even point in weedres of W1, W2and W3was found to be 0.077 hayr-1. Among the tested weeders, W4showed a proper field performance.
机译:将单行锥形除草机(W1)、两行锥形除草机(W2)、旋转除草机(W3)和动力除草机(W4)4种机械式水稻除草机与人工除草机(W5)进行了田间性能比较。本研究选取了两个移栽的本地水稻品种和改良水稻品种,即Hashemi和Hybrid。结果表明:在机械除草机中,W4andHybridvariety的除草效率最高(84.33%),W3andHashemivariety的除草效率最低(72.80%)。机械除草机受损植株的平均值为3.83%,而人工除草的平均值为0.13%。W4测得的最高有效场容量为0.082和0.087 hah-1,W5forHashemi和Hybrid品种测得的最低值分别为0.0084和0.0088 hah-1。与W5相比,W1、W2、W3和W4的除草成本分别降低了15.70%、38.51%、22.32%和48.70%。使用强力除草机(W4)获得最高盈亏平衡点(1.24 hayr-1)。W1、W2和W3杂草的平均盈亏平衡点为0.077 hayr-1。在测试的除草机中,W4表现出适当的田间性能。



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