首页> 外文期刊>Weed Technology: A journal of the Weed Science Society of America >Germination ecology and response to herbicides of Ludwigia prostrata and their implication for weed control in paddy fields

Germination ecology and response to herbicides of Ludwigia prostrata and their implication for weed control in paddy fields


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Prostrate water primrose is a troublesome weed in rice paddy fields. A study was conducted to determine the influence of environmental and agronomic factors on its emergence. The efficacy of herbicides on this species was also examined. The germination percentage of mature seeds remained above 90 within 180 d after harvest, indicating a low primary dormancy of this species. Light stimulated seed germination. Seeds buried deeper than 0.5 cm did not form seedlings. These results suggest that stale seedbed practices and deep tillage operations can mitigate the occurrence of this species in paddy fields. The optimum temperature for germination varied from 25/15 C to 35/25 C. The osmotic potential and salt concentration needed to inhibit 50 of maximum germination were -0.4 MPa and 197 mM, respectively. Seeds were tolerant to flooding and did not germinate at pH 8 to 10. The preemergence herbicides oxadiazon, oxadiargyl, and butachlor had excellent control efficacy on prostrate water primrose, with a 95.4 to 100 reduction in seedling number and a 99.2 to 100 reduction in biomass, respectively. The postemergence herbicides MCPA-Na + bentazone, bentazone, MCPA-Na, and fluroxypyr applied at the 2- to 3-leaf stage of prostrate water primrose provided a 90.6 to 100 reduction in seedling number and a 99.3 to 100 reduction in biomass. The results of this study can help in developing sustainable and effective integrated weed management strategies for controlling prostrate water primrose in paddy fields.
机译:匍匐水报春花是稻田里麻烦的杂草。进行了一项研究,以确定环境和农艺因素对其出现的影响。还检查了除草剂对该物种的功效。成熟种子在收获后180 d内发芽率保持在90%以上,表明该物种的初级休眠率较低。光刺激种子萌发。埋入深度超过0.5厘米的种子不会形成幼苗。这些结果表明,陈旧的苗床做法和深耕作业可以减少该物种在稻田中的出现。发芽的最佳温度从25/15°C到35/25°C不等。抑制50%最大萌发所需的渗透势和盐浓度分别为-0.4 MPa和197 mM。种子耐淹,在pH值8至10时不发芽。苗前除草剂噁地氮、草二精和丁草胺对匍匐水见草具有较好的防效,幼苗数减少95.4%-100%,生物量减少99.2%-100%。在匍匐水报春花的2-3叶期施用出苗后除草剂MCPA-Na+苯达松、苯达松、MCPA-Na和氟虫嘧啶,使幼苗数量减少90.6%至100%,生物量减少99.3%至100%。本研究结果有助于制定可持续有效的杂草综合治理策略,以控制稻田匍匐水见草。




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