首页> 外文期刊>Nature photonics >Provably secure and practical quantum key distribution over 307 km of optical fibre

Provably secure and practical quantum key distribution over 307 km of optical fibre

机译:可以在307 km的光纤上安全可靠地分配量子密钥

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Proposed in 1984, quantum key distribution (QKD) allows two users to exchange provably secure keys via a potentially insecure quantum channel(1). Since then, QKD has attracted much attention and significant progress has been made both in theory and practice(2,3). On the application front, however, the operating distance of practical fibre-based QKD systems is limited to about 150 km (ref. 4), mainly due to the high background noise of practical single-photon detectors(5,6) and inefficient finite-key security analysis(7-9). Here, we present, for the first time, a compact and autonomous QKD system that is capable of distributing provably secure cryptographic keys over 307 km of optical fibre. This is achieved by using semiconductor single-photon detectors with record low background noise(10) and a novel finite-key security analysis, which is efficient even for short key lengths. This demonstrates the feasibility of practical long-distance QKD based on standard fibre-optic telecom components.
机译:量子密钥分配(QKD)于1984年提出,允许两个用户通过潜在不安全的量子通道交换可证明的安全密钥(1)。从那时起,QKD引起了人们的广泛关注,并且在理论和实践上都取得了重大进展(2,3)。然而,在应用方面,基于光纤的实际QKD系统的工作距离限制为约150 km(参考文献4),这主要是由于实际单光子探测器的背景噪声高(5,6)和有限的有限密钥安全性分析(7-9)。在这里,我们首次展示了一个紧凑且自主的QKD系统,该系统能够在307 km的光纤上分配可证明的安全加密密钥。这是通过使用具有创纪录的低背景噪声的半导体单光子探测器实现的(10)和新颖的有限键安全性分析,即使对于较短的键长,该分析也非常有效。这证明了基于标准光纤电信组件的实际长距离QKD的可行性。



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