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The origins of the cochlea and impedance matching hearing in synapsids


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The origin of tympanic hearing in early synapsids is still controversial, because little is known about their inner ear and the function of their sound conducting apparatus. Here I describe the earliest known tympanic ear in the synapsid lineage, the ear of Pristerodon (Therapsida, Anomodontia) from the Late Permian of South Africa, which was virtually reconstructed from neutron tomographic data. Although Pristerodon is not a direct ancestor of mammals, its inner ear with distinctive cochlear cavity represents a connecting link between the primitive therapsid inner ear and the mammalian inner ear. The anatomy of the sound conducting apparatus of Pristerodon and the increased sound pressure transformer ratio points to a sensitivity to airborne sound. Furthermore, the origins of the cochlea and impedance matching hearing in synapsids coincided with the loss of contact between head and substrate, which already took place at least in Late Permian therapsids even before the postdentary bones became detached from the mandible.
机译:早期突触中鼓膜听觉的起源仍然存在争议,因为人们对它们的内耳和传导器官的功能知之甚少。在这里,我描述了突触谱系中已知最早的鼓耳,即来自南非二叠纪晚期的Pristerodon(Therapsida,Anomodontia)的耳朵,它实际上是从中子断层扫描数据中重建的。虽然Pristerodon不是哺乳动物的直接祖先,但它的内耳具有独特的耳蜗腔,代表了原始耳内耳和哺乳动物内耳之间的连接纽带。Pristerodon 传声装置的解剖结构和增加的声压变压器比表明对空气传播声音的敏感性。此外,突触中耳蜗和阻抗匹配听力的起源与头部和基质之间的接触丧失相吻合,至少在晚二叠世的耳环中,甚至在齿后骨与下颌骨分离之前就已经发生了。



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