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Novel roles for Slits and netrins: axon guidance cues as anticancer targets?


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Over the past few years, several genes, proteins and signalling pathways that are required for embryogenesis have been shown to regulate tumour development and progression by playing a major part in overriding antitumour safeguard mechanisms. These include axon guidance cues, such as Netrins and Slits. Netrin 1 and members of the Slit family are secreted extracellular matrix proteins that bind to deleted in colorectal cancer (DCC) and UNC5 receptors, and roundabout receptors (Robos), respectively. Their expression is deregulated in a large proportion of human cancers, suggesting that they could be tumour suppressor genes or oncogenes. Moreover, recent data suggest that these ligand-receptor pairs could be promising targets for personalized anticancer therapies.
机译:在过去的几年中,胚胎发生所需的几种基因,蛋白质和信号传导途径已显示出通过在超越抗肿瘤保护机制中起主要作用来调节肿瘤的发生和发展。这些包括轴突引导提示,例如Netrins和Slits。 Netrin 1和Slit家族的成员是分泌的细胞外基质蛋白,分别与大肠癌(DCC)和UNC5受体和回旋受体(Robos)中的缺失结合。它们的表达在很大比例的人类癌症中被失调,表明它们可能是抑癌基因或癌基因。此外,最近的数据表明这些配体-受体对可能是个性化抗癌治疗的有希望的目标。



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