首页> 外文期刊>Nanotoxicology >Effects of particle size and coating on toxicologic parameters, fecal elimination kinetics and tissue distribution of acutely ingested silver nanoparticles in a mouse model

Effects of particle size and coating on toxicologic parameters, fecal elimination kinetics and tissue distribution of acutely ingested silver nanoparticles in a mouse model


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Consumer exposure to silver nanoparticles (AgNP) via ingestion can occur due to incorporation of AgNP into products such as food containers and dietary supplements. AgNP variations in size and coating may affect toxicity, elimination kinetics or tissue distribution. Here, we directly compared acute administration of AgNP of two differing coatings and sizes to mice, using doses of 0.1, 1 and 10mg/kg body weight/day administered by oral gavage for 3 days. The maximal dose is equivalent to 2000x the EPA oral reference dose. Silver acetate at the same doses was used as ionic silver control. We found no toxicity and no significant tissue accumulation. Additionally, no toxicity was seen when AgNP were dosed concurrently with a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Between 70.5% and 98.6% of the administered silver dose was recovered in feces and particle size and coating differences did not significantly influence fecal silver. Peak fecal silver was detected between 6- and 9-h post-administration and <0.5% of the administered dose was cumulatively detected in liver, spleen, intestines or urine at 48h. Although particle size and coating did not affect tissue accumulation, silver was detected in liver, spleen and kidney of mice administered ionic silver at marginally higher levels than those administered AgNP, suggesting that silver ion may be more bioavailable. Our results suggest that, irrespective of particle size and coating, acute oral exposure to AgNP at doses relevant to potential human exposure is associated with predominantly fecal elimination and is not associated with accumulation in tissue or toxicity.
机译:由于将AgNP掺入产品(例如食品容器和膳食补充剂)中,消费者可能会通过摄入而暴露于银纳米颗粒(AgNP)。 AgNP大小和涂层的变化可能会影响毒性,消除动力学或组织分布。在这里,我们直接比较了两种不同涂层和大小的AgNP对小鼠的急性给药,分别通过口服管饲法连续3天使用0.1、1和10mg / kg体重/天的剂量。最大剂量等于EPA口服参考剂量的2000倍。将相同剂量的乙酸银用作离子银对照。我们没有发现毒性,也没有明显的组织蓄积。另外,当AgNP与广谱抗生素同时给药时,未见毒性反应。粪便中回收的银剂量介于70.5%至98.6%之间,粒径和包衣差异对粪便银的影响不明显。在给药后6至9小时之间检测到粪便中银的峰值,并且在48小时时在肝,脾,肠或尿中累积检测到<0.5%的给药剂量。尽管粒径和涂层不会影响组织积累,但是在施用离子银的小鼠肝脏,脾脏和肾脏中检测到的银含量略高于施用AgNP的小鼠,这表明银离子可能具有更高的生物利用度。我们的结果表明,无论粒度和包衣如何,以与潜在的人体暴露相关的剂量急性口服AgNP都与排泄粪便有关,而与组织蓄积或毒性无关。



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