首页> 外文期刊>Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology >Fifteen-spined stickleback (Spinachia spinachia) females prefer males withmore secretional threads in their nests: an honest-condition display bymales

Fifteen-spined stickleback (Spinachia spinachia) females prefer males withmore secretional threads in their nests: an honest-condition display bymales

机译:15棘刺背棘(Spinachia spinachia)雌性更喜欢雄性,它们的巢中有更多的分泌线:雄性的诚实展示

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In the fifteen-spined stickleback (Spinachia spinachia), the male alone builds a nest and provides care for the eggs until they hatch. The nest is made of filamentous algae held together with shiny secretional threads of a glycoprotein, here called tangspiggin. Tangspiggin is produced by transformed kidney cells. I investigated how tangspiggin production was related to food intake by giving males low or high food rations. Males in the high-food group produced significantly more tangspiggin than those in the low-food group. Since low food rations did not lead to a significant drop in resting metabolic rate (oxygen consumption), tangspiggin production appears to be one of the first energy-demanding processes to be dropped during food deprivation. Among males given equal food rations, females preferred to mate with those with elevated levels of tangspiggin in their nests. Tangspiggin threads may signal safety for the offspring by keeping the eggs within the nest and protecting them from egg predators. Moreover, the threads become less shiny with age, due to particle deposition, and older nests that may house older (more valuable) eggs are thereby well camouflaged. Tangspiggin provides an honest signal of male condition. acting as an extra-bodily ornament, signaling direct benefits to females or possibly also indirect benefits of "good genes" from a male who is a successful forager.
机译:在十五棘刺的棘背鱼(Spinachia spinachia)中,雄性独自筑巢并提供卵的护理,直到卵孵化为止。巢是由丝状藻类和糖蛋白的闪亮分泌线(此处称为tangspiggin)固定在一起制成的。 Tangspiggin由转化的肾细胞产生。我研究了通过给予男性低或高的食物配给量来衡量唐古斯汀的产量与食物摄入量之间的关系。高食物组的男性产生的tangspiggin明显多于低食物组的男性。由于低食物定量并不会导致静息代谢率(耗氧量)的显着下降,因此在食物匮乏期间,tangspiggin的生产似乎是最先减少的能量消耗过程之一。在雄性给予相同食物配比的雄性中,雌性倾向于与巢中tangspiggin水平升高的雌性交配。 Tangspiggin线可以通过将卵保留在巢中并保护它们免受卵捕食者的侵害来表示后代的安全性。此外,由于颗粒的沉积,随着年龄的增长,线的光泽会减弱,因此可以容纳较旧(更有价值)卵的较旧巢会被很好地伪装。 Tangspiggin提供了男性状况的诚实信号。充当身体外的装饰品,向女性发出直接的收益,或者也可能是成功觅食的男性从“良好基因”获得的间接收益。



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