首页> 外文期刊>Cancer radiotherapie: journal de la Soci閠?fran鏰ise de radiotherapie oncologique >Hypersensitivity to radiation therapy in a patient with tuberous sclerosis: Biological considerations about a clinical case [Hypersensibilit?? ?? la radioth??rapie chez un patient atteint de la scl??rose tub??reuse de Bourneville : R??flexions biologiques ?? partir d'un cas clinique]

Hypersensitivity to radiation therapy in a patient with tuberous sclerosis: Biological considerations about a clinical case [Hypersensibilit?? ?? la radioth??rapie chez un patient atteint de la scl??rose tub??reuse de Bourneville : R??flexions biologiques ?? partir d'un cas clinique]

机译:结节性硬化症患者对放射疗法的超敏性:关于临床病例的生物学考虑[超敏性? ??伯恩维尔结节性硬化患者的放射疗法:生物学反射从临床病例]

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A 61-year-old man, with a tuberous sclerosis, experienced severe acute reactions during a concomitant chemoradiotherapy regimen after 22. Gy and one cycle of 5-fluorouracil-cisplatinum. He was treated for a cervical squamous cell lymph node of unknown origin. Grade 3 mucitis and epitheliitis were observed only in the irradiated fields and required the end of the radiotherapy. Tuberous sclerosis is characterized by a loss of the TSC2 function, with a permanent activation of the mTOR pathway. Logically, some kind of " radioresistance" should be observed. Increased radiosensitivity is paradoxical. This case illustrates how radiosensitivity is a complex phenomenon and clinically unpredictable. Efficiency of the protocols associations of mTOR inhibitors and radiotherapy should be carefully scrutinized. ? 2012 Soci??t?? fran?aise de radioth??rapie oncologique (SFRO).
机译:一名患有结节性硬化症的61岁男性在22 Gy和一个周期的5-氟尿嘧啶-顺铂联合化疗后,经历了严重的急性反应。他接受了来历不明的宫颈鳞状细胞淋巴结治疗。仅在受辐照的区域中观察到3级粘膜炎和上皮炎,需要放疗结束。结节性硬化症的特征是TSC2功能丧失,而mTOR通路被永久激活。从逻辑上讲,应观察到某种“辐射抗性”。放射敏感性增加是矛盾的。这个案例说明了放射敏感性是一种复杂现象,临床上是不可预测的。应仔细检查mTOR抑制剂与放疗方案关联的效率。 ? 2012 Soci ?? t ??法国无线电广播公司(SFRO)。



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