首页> 外文期刊>Candollea >Phenetic analysis of wild populations of Momordica charantia L. (Cucurbitaceae) in West Africa and inference of the definition of the new subspecies macroloba Achigan-Dako & Blattner

Phenetic analysis of wild populations of Momordica charantia L. (Cucurbitaceae) in West Africa and inference of the definition of the new subspecies macroloba Achigan-Dako & Blattner

机译:西非苦瓜(Mocurordica charantia L.(Cucurbitaceae))野生种群的物候分析及新亚种Achigan-Dako&Blattner的定义推论

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Momordica charantia L. (Cucurbitaceae) is a paleotropicalspecies used as medicinal plant or vegetable in West Africa.This paper examines the morphological variation within somewild populations of Momordica charantia in the West Africanphytogeographical regions. The results point out that eco-logical conditions affect leaf size in that species, as well asthe size of male and female bracts and peduncle lengths ofthat species. However, characters linked to the fruit size areuniform across regions except for pericarp thickness andtubercle height. The location of the bract on the peduncleis independent of environmental conditions. Multivariateanalyses clarifies also the long-standing ambiguity for theidentification of Momordica charantia observed in Beninby clearly discriminating two taxonomical groups based onthe leaf lobe characters, the common subspecies charantiaand the new subspecies Momordica charantia subsp. macrolobaAchigan-Dako & Blattner endemic to the Dahomey gap andthe Sudano-Guinean phytoregion of Benin and Togo.
机译:苦瓜(Momorordica charantia L.)(Cucurbitaceae)是西非的一种古药用种,在西非植物地理区域中研究了苦瓜中某些野生种群的形态变异。结果指出,生态条件影响该物种的叶片大小,以及该物种的雌雄br片和花序梗长度。然而,除果皮厚度和小结节高度以外,与果实大小相关的性状在各个区域都是一致的。 the片在花梗上的位置与环境条件无关。多变量分析还通过根据叶叶特征,常见亚种和新亚种Morordica charantia亚种清楚地区分了两个分类学类别,也澄清了在贝宁观察到的苦瓜属鉴定的长期歧义。贝宁和多哥的达荷美缺口和苏达诺-几内亚植物区特有的阿奇根-达科和布拉特纳地方病。



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