首页> 外文期刊>Candollea >Ipomoea darainensis Deroin, Ranir. & Nusb. (Convolvulaceae), une nouvelle espece de Madagascar

Ipomoea darainensis Deroin, Ranir. & Nusb. (Convolvulaceae), une nouvelle espece de Madagascar

机译:Ipomoea darainensis Deroin,Ranir。 &Nusb。 (旋花科),马达加斯加的新种

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Ipomoea darainensis Deroin, Ranir. & Nusb. (Convolvu-laceae), a new species from northern Madagascar in Darainaregion, is described and illustrated, and its conservation sta-tus briefly discussed. It appears closely related to Ipomoeaandroyensis Deroin, another endemic species from the farsouth of Madagascar, and to the Tanzanian Ipomoea (Stic-tocardia) lutambensis Schulze-Menz. Such an extant distri-bution suggests the three species diverged from an ancestralstock early, perhaps at the time Madagascar separated fromAfrica. The relevance of the Daraina region for the Mala-gasy phytogeography is discussed.
机译:Ipomoea darainensis Deroin,Ranir。 &Nusb。描述并举例说明了来自马达加斯加北部达赖纳地区北部的一种新物种(旋花科),并对其保护状态进行了简要讨论。它似乎与来自马达加斯加远南的另一种特有物种Ipomoeaandroyensis Deroin以及坦桑尼亚的Ipomoea lutambensis Schulze-Menz密切相关。这样一个现存的分布表明这三个物种在早期就与祖先背道而驰,也许是在马达加斯加与非洲分离时。讨论了达赖纳地区与马拉维植物地理学的相关性。



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