首页> 外文期刊>Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology >Regulation of ovary activation in worker honey-bees (Apis mellifera):larval signal production and adult response thresholds differ betweenanarchistic and wild-type bees

Regulation of ovary activation in worker honey-bees (Apis mellifera):larval signal production and adult response thresholds differ betweenanarchistic and wild-type bees

机译:工蜂(Apis mellifera)卵巢激活的调控:无政府蜂和野生型蜜蜂的幼虫信号产生和成年反应阈值不同

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One-day-old anarchistic (selected for successful worker reproduction) and wild-type honey-bee workers were introduced into queenright colonies of honeybees of two treatments. In treatment 1, all eggs and larvae were offspring of queens from an anarchistic line. In treatment 2, all eggs and larvae were offspring of wildtype queens. In both treatments, adult workers were wild type. This experimental arrangement was used to test the importance of larval genotype on ovary activation in young adult workers. After 12 days, the introduced bees were dissected to determine the frequency of ovary activation. In those colonies provided with wild-type brood, 0% of introduced wild-type bees and 16% of anarchistic bees had activated ovaries. In those colonies provided with anarchistic brood, 13% of introduced wild-type bees and 41% of anarchistic bees had activated ovaries. These results strongly support the hypothesis that selection for high levels of worker reproduction in anarchistic stocks has reduced the amount or composition of brood pheromones produced by larvae that normally signal workers to refrain from reproduction. They also suggest that anarchistic workers have a higher threshold for these signals than wild-type bees.
机译:将一天大的无政府主义者(选择用于成功繁殖工人)和野生型蜜蜂工人引入两种处理方法的蜜蜂的女王权殖民地。在处理1中,所有卵和幼虫都是无政府主义女王的后代。在处理2中,所有卵和幼虫都是野生型女王的后代。在两种治疗中,成年工人均为野生型。这种实验安排被用来测试幼虫基因型对年轻成年工人卵巢激活的重要性。 12天后,解剖引入的蜜蜂以确定卵巢激活的频率。在那些提供了野生型亲本的殖民地中,有0%的野生型蜜蜂和16%的无政府状态蜜蜂具有激活的卵巢。在那些提供了无政府繁殖功能的群体中,有13%的野生野生蜜蜂和41%的无政府状态的蜜蜂激活了卵巢。这些结果有力地支持了以下假设:在无政府状态种群中选择高水平的工人繁殖可减少幼虫产生的育雏信息素的数量或成分,这些幼虫通常向工人发出信号,要求他们不要繁殖。他们还建议,与野生型蜜蜂相比,无政府主义工作者对这些信号的阈值更高。



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