首页> 外文期刊>Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology >Quantitative variation in ecological and hormonal variables correlates with spatial organization of pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) males

Quantitative variation in ecological and hormonal variables correlates with spatial organization of pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) males


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Whereas variation in pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) spatial organization is well documented, underlying ecological or physiological explanations are not well understood. This study quantitatively describes spacing systems of pronghorn males and correlates of their spatial organization. I collected behavioral data from two populations in South Dakota (Wind Cave) and MOntana (Bar Diamond) to determine if males differed in space use, response to intruders, and behavior patterns indicative of area defense. I measured sex ratio and population density, and I examined characteristics of food resources, including forb species diversity, richness, coverage, biomass, and nitrogen content, and how they changed during the growing season. I also collected and analyzed fecal samples to determine if male differed in testosterone concentrations. Pronghorn males at Wind Cave were more territorial than males at Bar Diamond, although males at Bar Diamond Became more territorial during the second year, The forb community at Wind Cave was more diverse, cintained greater amounts of forbs later in summer, and had a higher nitrogen content later in summer. Population density was lower at Wind Cave, although density dropped at Bar Dimaond during the second year and sex ratios were skewed toward males at Bar Diamond. Finally, males at Wind Cave had higher testosterone concentrations than did Bar Diamond males, although differences were not statistically significant. With lower population density and higher forb abundance and quality, food resources were more economically defensible at Wind Cave, and males were more territorial there. Analyses using these and other pronghorn populations revealed that population density and sex ratio correlated weakly with spatial organization, whereas precipitaion correlated most strongly which suggests plant productivity has a powerful role in determining pronghorn territoriality.
机译:尽管叉角羚(美洲美洲羚羊)空间组织的变化已得到充分记录,但对潜在的生态或生理解释却知之甚少。这项研究定量地描述了叉角羚男性的间距系统及其空间组织的相关性。我从南达科他州(风洞)和蒙塔纳州(巴尔戴蒙德)的两个种群收集了行为数据,以确定雄性在空间使用,对入侵者的反应以及指示区域防御的行为模式方面是否存在差异。我测量了性别比和人口密度,并检查了食物资源的特征,包括禁忌物种的多样性,丰富性,覆盖率,生物量和氮含量,以及它们在生长季节的变化。我还收集并分析了粪便样本,以确定男性的睾丸激素浓度是否不同。风洞的叉角羚男性比Bar Diamond的男性更具领土,尽管Bar Diamond的男性在第二年变得更具领土。夏季晚些时候的氮含量。风洞的人口密度较低,尽管第二年在Bar Dimaond的人口密度下降,而在Bar Diamond的性别比例偏向男性。最后,风洞男性比睾丸雄性男性具有更高的睾丸激素浓度,尽管差异无统计学意义。随着人口密度的降低和高丰度和质量的提高,风洞的粮食资源在经济上更具防御性,而男性在该地区的领土则更多。使用这些和其他叉角羚种群的分析表明,种群密度和性别比与空间组织之间的相关性较弱,而降水的相关性最强,这表明植物生产力在确定叉角羚的地域性方面具有强大的作用。



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