首页> 外文期刊>Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences >Seasonal Variation in Biomass and Community Structure of Intertidal Seaweeds at Heuksando and Hongdo, Southwestern Coast of Korea

Seasonal Variation in Biomass and Community Structure of Intertidal Seaweeds at Heuksando and Hongdo, Southwestern Coast of Korea


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Seasonal variation in marine macroalgal community structure was examined at the intertidal zones of Heuksando and Hongdo, Shinan, Korea, from July 2008 to May 2009. In total, 86 macroalgal species were identified, including 12 green, 19 brown, and 55red algae; 67 species at Heuksando and 70 species at Hongdo, were observed. Annual seaweed biomass was 252.44 g dry wt / m~2 at Heuksando and 217.67 g dry wt/m~2 at Hongdo. The dominant seaweed in importance value (IV > 15) differed between the sites: Sargassum thunbergii at Heuksando and Corallina pilulifera at Hongdo. The vertical distribution pattern of seaweeds from the upper to lower intertidal zones at Heuksando was Gloiopeltis spp., Ulva spp. - S. thunbergii, S. fusiforme, Hildenbrandia rubra - S. thunbergii, C. pilulifera. On the rocky shore of Hongdo, seaweed zonation was distinct: Porphyra yezoensis, Gloiopeltis spp., Ulva spp. - C. pilulifera, S. msiforme, Myelophycus simplex - Chondrus ocellatus, C. pilulifera, and Carpopeltis afUnis. Annual seaweed coverage, richness index (R), evenness index (J1), and diversity index (H) values were greater at Hongdo (41.35%, 12.82, 0.59, and 2.50 respectively) than at Heuksando (31.54%, 11.93, 0.44, and 1.87 respectively), which may indicate that the seaweed community at Hongdo is more stable relative to the one at Heuksando.
机译:从2008年7月至2009年5月,在韩国市南市北海道和洪都的潮间带检查了海洋大型藻类群落结构的季节性变化。总共鉴定出86种大型藻类,包括12种绿色,19种棕色和55种藻类;在Heuksando观察到67种,Hongdo观察到70种。 Heuksando的年海藻生物量为252.44 g干wt / m〜2,Hongdo的年生物量为217.67 g干wt / m〜2。不同地点的主要海藻重要性值(IV> 15)有所不同:Heuksando的Sargassum thunbergii和Hongdo的Corallina pilulifera。 Heuksando上潮间带至下潮间带的海藻垂直分布模式为Gloiopeltis spp。,Ulva spp。 -S. thunbergii,S。fusiforme,Hildenbrandia rubra-S. thunbergii,C。pilulifera。在洪都多岩石的海岸上,海藻区带非常明显:紫斑紫菜,Gloiopeltis spp。,Ulva spp。 -C. pilulifera,S。msiforme,单支Myelophycus simplex-软骨球菌,C。pilulifera和Carpopeltis afUnis。洪都岛的年海藻覆盖率,丰富度指数(R),均匀度指数(J1)和多样性指数(H)值分别高于Heuksando(31.54%,11.93、0.44、31.54%,12.82、0.59和2.50),和分别为1.87),这可能表明弘道的海藻群落相对于Heuksando的海藻群落更为稳定。



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