首页> 外文期刊>Korean Journal of Applied Entomology >A Survey on Diseases and Insect Pests in Sweet Persimmon Export Complexes and Fruit for Export in Korea

A Survey on Diseases and Insect Pests in Sweet Persimmon Export Complexes and Fruit for Export in Korea


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Between 2010 and 2012, diseases and insect pests of sweet persimmon were surveyed at sweet persimmon export complexes and non-export orchards in Suncheon, Jeonnam Province; Jinju, Changwon (Dongeup and Bukmyeon), and Gimhae, Gyeongnam Province; and Ulzu, Ulsan. The following diseases were found in the sweet persimmon orchards: angular leaf spot (Cercospora kaki), anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and Colletotrichum acutatum), circular leaf spot (Mycosphaerella nawae), powdery mildew (Phyllactinia kakicola), and gray mold (Botrytis cinerea). Circular leaf spot was the most frequent and serious disease, and C. gloeosporioides and C. acutatum were found on fruits. Thirty-three insect pest species that belonged to 32 genera of 20 families in 5orders were found in the sweet persimmon orchards; the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, was also found in the surveyed orchards. Apolygus spinolae, Pseudaulacaspis cockerelli, and Adoxophyes orana were widely found in the surveyed orchards;Spodoptera litura and Homona magnanima were also recorded. Damage by insect pests was low, and the quarantine insect pests peach pyralid moth (Dichocrocis punctiferalis) and persimmon fruit moth (Stathmopoda masinissd) were rarely or not found in the sweet persimmon export complexes. In addition, other quarantine insect pests, such as persimmon false spider mite (Tenuipalpus zhizhilashviliae) and Japanese mealybug (Planococcus kraunhiae), were not detected. These quarantine insect pests were also not found in the sorting places, storage houses, and fruits for export; however, scale insects and two-spotted spider mites were found at a low rate. Although anthracnose (C. acutatum) infested fruit was found in the storage houses, only one in Jinju and Gimhae.
机译:2010年至2012年,在全南省顺天市的甜柿子出口综合体和非出口果园中对甜柿的病虫害进行了调查。昌原市的晋州(东邑,北面)和庆南省金海;还有蔚山蔚山在甜柿园中发现以下疾病:角叶斑(Cercospora kaki),炭疽菌(Colletotrichum gloeosporioides和Colletotrichum acutatum),圆形叶斑(Mycosphaerella nawae),白粉病(Phyllactinia kakicola)和灰霉病(Botrytis cinerea) 。圆形叶斑病是最常见和最严重的疾病,在果实上发现了C. gloeosporioides和Acutatum。在甜柿园中发现了5阶20科32属的33种害虫。在被调查的果园中还发现了两个斑点的红蜘蛛Tetranychus urticae。在被调查的果园中广泛发现有刺棘,假单胞菌(Pseudaulacaspis cockerelli)和鸦尾草(Adoxophyes orana);还记录了斜纹夜蛾(Spodoptera litura)和大果桃(Homona magnanima)。害虫对害虫的损害很低,在甜柿子出口复合物中很少或没有发现检疫性害虫桃子吡咯蛾(Dichocrocis punctiferalis)和柿果蛾(Stathmopoda masinissd)。此外,未检出其他检疫性害虫,例如柿子假蜘蛛螨(Tenuipalpus zhizhilashviliae)和日本粉虱(Planococcus kraunhiae)。这些检疫性害虫也没有在分拣场所,储藏室和出口水果中发现。但是,发现鳞片虫和二斑叶螨的比率很低。尽管在仓库中发现了炭疽病(A. acutatum)感染的果实,但晋州和金海只有一种。



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