首页> 外文期刊>Korean Journal of Applied Entomology >Population Dynamics of Eriosoma lanigerum (Hemiptera: Aphididae) and Aphelinus mali (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) in Apple Orchards and Screening Effective Insecticides in the Laboratory

Population Dynamics of Eriosoma lanigerum (Hemiptera: Aphididae) and Aphelinus mali (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) in Apple Orchards and Screening Effective Insecticides in the Laboratory

机译:苹果园中鸢尾(Hemiptera:蚜虫)和马兜铃(Aphelinus mali)(膜翅目:Aphelinidae)的种群动态并在实验室中筛选有效的杀虫剂

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Woolly apple aphid, Eriosoma lanigerum, overwintered as adult or nymph stage on rootstocks, and crown- and root sucker in the soil. In an unsprayed apple orchard, the number of E. lanigerum colony started to increase from mid-April, showed the 1st peak between late June and early July, thereafter decreased followed by the 2nd peak in late July, and then again peaked in late September as the size in the 1st peak. In this orchard, the number of E. lanigerum colonies per tree did not exceed 3.5 coloniesduring the peak occurrence period, and was maintained around 2 colonies throughout seasons. In all seasons, parasitism of Aphelinus mali on E. lanigerum was much lower on root colonies than on aerial colonies that located on shoots and tree trunks abovethe ground. The parasitism of E. lanigerum was high in most orchards examined, showing parasitism of > 70% in maximum in most cases, hi the laboratory bioassay for the mortality effects of several insecticides on E. lanigerum, fenitrothion, dichlorphos,machine oil, methidathion, thiacloprid, and imidacloprid showed 97.8, 96.8, 95.4, 91.5, 26.7, and 7.8% morality, respectively. Also, the adult emergence rates from A. mali mummies were 51.2, 72.6, 14.2, 3.5, 72.2, and 85.4% in the treatment of the aboveinsecticides, respectively. Insecticides belong to neonicotinoid, which are newly developed to control aphids, showed low mortality against E. lanigerum. Fenitrothion and dichlorphos were effective on E. lanigerum control and had a low toxic to A. mali.Consequently, the insecticides should be useful in integrated pest management system for E. lanigerum in apple orchards.
机译:羊毛苹果蚜,Eriosoma lanigerum,成年或若虫阶段在砧木上越冬,土壤中的冠冠和根吸盘。在未喷洒的苹果园中,E。lanigerum菌落的数量从4月中旬开始增加,在6月下旬至7月上旬出现第一个高峰,此后有所下降,随后在7月下旬出现第二个高峰,然后在9月下旬再次达到高峰。作为第一个峰的大小。在这个果园中,每棵树的E. lanigerum菌落数在高峰期不超过3.5个菌落,并且整个季节都保持在2个菌落附近。在所有季节中,根肠菌群上麻疯树的麻疯树寄生比地上枝条和树干上的气生菌落低得多。在大多数检查过的果园中,大肠埃希菌的寄生率很高,在大多数情况下,最大寄生率大于70%。噻虫啉和吡虫啉的道德分别为97.8、96.8、95.4、91.5、26.7和7.8%。而且,在上述杀虫剂的治疗中,来自成人木乃伊的木乃伊的出苗率分别为51.2%,72.6、14.2、3.5、72.2和85.4%。杀虫剂属于新烟碱类,它是新近开发来控制蚜虫的,显示出对E. lanigerum的低死亡率。 Fenitrothion和dichlorphos可以有效地防治黑麦草,并且对苹果芽孢杆菌的毒性低,因此,该杀虫剂应可用于苹果园中黑麦草的综合害虫管理系统。



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