首页> 外文期刊>Moscow University Chemistry Bulletin >Synthesis and Application of Firefly Luciferase Antibody Conjugates in a Bioluminescent Immunoassay of Salmonella Cells

Synthesis and Application of Firefly Luciferase Antibody Conjugates in a Bioluminescent Immunoassay of Salmonella Cells


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A method has been developed for synthesizing stable and highly active conjugates of firefly luciferase with antibodies using the heterobifunctional coupling agent N-succinimidyl 3-(2-pyridyldithio) propionate linking NH2 groups of antibodies with free SH groups of thermostable Luciola mingrelica firefly luciferase (Luc). A novel specific matrix for sorption of Salmonella cells has been designed that includes mono-disperse polystyrene microparticles (9 = 240 run) coated with Pluronic F108-PDS, which are then covalently linked to monoclonal antibodies against Salmonella cells (Sal). The Luc-Sal conjugates are used as detecting agents for bioluminescent immunoassay of Salmonella cells. The use of the novel matrix and highly active conjugates allow for a ~ 100-fold increase in the method's sensitivity compared with the standard sandwich assay.
机译:已经开发了使用杂双功能偶联剂N-琥珀酰亚胺基3-(2-吡啶基二硫代)丙酸酯将抗体的NH2基团与热稳定的萤火虫萤火虫萤光素酶(SH )。设计了一种新型的沙门氏菌细胞吸附特异性基质,其中包括涂有Pluronic F108-PDS的单分散聚苯乙烯微粒(9 = 240纳米),然后将其与抗沙门氏菌细胞的单克隆抗体(Sal)共价连接。 Luc-Sal偶联物用作沙门氏菌细胞生物发光免疫测定的检测剂。与标准夹心测定法相比,使用新型基质和高活性结合物可使方法的灵敏度提高约100倍。



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