首页> 外文期刊>Mycologia >Kabatiella bupleuri sp nov (Dothideales), a pleomorphic epiphyte and endophyte of the Mediterranean plant Bupleurum gibraltarium (Apiaceae)

Kabatiella bupleuri sp nov (Dothideales), a pleomorphic epiphyte and endophyte of the Mediterranean plant Bupleurum gibraltarium (Apiaceae)

机译:Kabatiella bupleuri sp nov(Dothideales),地中海植物Bupleurum gibraltarium(Apiaceae)的多形附生植物和内生植物

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Bupleurum gibraltarium is an evergreen shrub endemic to southern Spain and northern Algeria and Morocco. We have collected and cultured an undescribed Kabatiella species that is consistently associated with the flower rachises and leaves of B. gibraltarium in the province of Granada. The fungus forms melanized acervuli on overwintered flower rachises. It also can be isolated from yeast-like conidial masses that emerge from senescing leaves and from surface-disinfected healthy leaves. Like other Kabatiella species, the fungus forms blastic falcate to lunate conidia simultaneously from the apex of conidiogenous cells in acervuli. In culture, melanized single-septate conidia form blastically from the vegetative hyphae that accumulate in yeast-like masses. These conidia germinate by budding to form secondary yeast-like cells or directly as hyphae. In culture, the fungus behaves like, and could be confused with, Aureobasidium and Hormonema species. We describe the growth of this species in agar media and its phylogenetic position based on the analyses of nuclear ribosomal RNA gene sequences. This new species is a sister species of the morphologically similar clover pathogen, K caulivora.
机译:Bupleurum gibraltarium是西班牙南部,阿尔及利亚北部和摩洛哥特有的常绿灌木。我们已经收集和培养了未描述的卡巴提氏菌属物种,该物种与格拉纳达省的B. gibraltarium的花序和叶片叶片始终保持着联系。真菌在越冬的花轴上形成黑色化的小孢子。它也可以从衰老叶片和表面消毒的健康叶片中出现的类似酵母的分生孢子团中分离出来。像其他卡贝氏菌一样,这种真菌从子叶的子生细胞的顶尖同时形成塑料状的镰刀形,以使分生孢子发光。在培养中,黑色素化的单隔分生孢子由营养菌丝形成,这些营养菌丝聚集在酵母样菌团中。这些分生孢子通过发芽形成二次酵母样细胞或直接作为菌丝发芽。在培养中,真菌的行为类似于金黄色葡萄球菌和荷尔蒙单胞菌,并可能与之混淆。我们基于核糖核糖体RNA基因序列的分析描述了该物种在琼脂培养基中的生长及其系统发育的位置。这个新物种是形态相似的三叶草病原体K caulivora的姊妹物种。



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