首页> 外文期刊>Mycologia >Irineochytrium, a new genus in Chytridiales haying zoospores and aplanospores

Irineochytrium, a new genus in Chytridiales haying zoospores and aplanospores


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Many described chytrids exhibit distinct morphological features that permit positive identification by light microscopy. Chytriomyces annulatus is one such species. It has a flap-like operculum and its sporangial wall is ornamented with multiple collar-like annulations proximal to the rhizoidal axis, features that, in combination, do not occur in any other described chytrid. Recent molecular phylogenies placed C. annulatusin the Chytridiaceae (Chytridiales) lineage, which is characterized by a Group II zoospore. Here we use light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy to examine thallus morphology of an isolate (JEL 729) of C. annulatus to confirm its identity and transmission electron microscopy to examine zoospore ultrastructure to confirm its phylogenetic placement. Light microscopic examinations confirmed its identity, and transmission electron microscopy analysis revealed both motile spores (zoospores) and nonmotile spores (aplanospores). Zoospores had a unique suite of ultrastructural features characteristic of the Group II zoospore; aplanospores had similar ultrastructure minus a flagellum. Chytriomyces annulatus does not group with the Chytriomycetaceae (Chytridiales) lineage containing the type of Chytriomyces, C. hyalinus, nor does it have a zoospore typical of that lineage. These arguments support the recognition of a distinct genus in Chytridiaceae, including one species, Irineochytrium annulatum
机译:许多所述的壶菌显示出独特的形态特征,可以通过光学显微镜进行阳性鉴定。环形棘孢菌就是这样一种。它有一个瓣状的oper盖,其孢子壁壁装饰有多个靠近根状茎轴的领状环,这些特征在任何其他所述的壶菌中均不会出现。最近的分子系统发育将环孢梭菌放置在小y科(Chytridiales)谱系中,该谱系的特征是II族游动孢子。在这里,我们使用光学显微镜和透射电子显微镜检查环孢菌的分离株(JEL 729)的all体形态,以确认其身份,并使用透射电子显微镜检查游动孢子超微结构,以确认其系统发生位置。光学显微镜检查证实了其身份,并且透射电子显微镜分析同时显示了运动孢子(孢子)和非运动孢子(无孢子)。游动孢子具有II类游动孢子的独特的超微结构特征。无孢子孢子具有类似的超微结构,但不含鞭毛。环孢菌不与包含菌藻,透明质酸梭菌(C. hyalinus)类型的虎耳菌科(Chytridiales)谱系归类,也没有该谱系的典型游动孢子。这些论点支持了对虎耳草科中一个独特属的认识,包括一个物种,环纹鸢尾



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