首页> 外文期刊>Mycologia >Tuberculina-rusts: a unique basidiomycetous interfungal cellular interaction with horizontal nuclear transfer

Tuberculina-rusts: a unique basidiomycetous interfungal cellular interaction with horizontal nuclear transfer


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Cellular interaction of the basidiomycete Tuberculina persicina with the haploid stages of two rusts Puccinia silvatica and Tranzschelia pruni-spinosae was analyzed by serial-section electron microscopy of chemically fixed samples and samples subjected to high-pressure freezing and freeze substitution. Tuberculina persicina is a contact parasite, forming neither haustoria nor other intracellular structures. However, at contact areas between T. persicina and its hosts, distinct interfungal interactions are present. At the beginning, a hyphal cell of T. persicina invades the host cell wall with a protuberance and the cell walls of both protuberance and host cell dissolve at the point of contact. Thus, the plasma membranes of the two organisms contact and fuse to form a pore that enlarges to a final diameter of approximately 1 mum. The membrane of the fusion pore is continuous with the plasma membranes of both cells, and Tuberculina nuclei and other organelles are transferred to the rust cells. Phylogenetic and functional aspects of this curious basidiomycetous interfungal interaction are discussed, and a hypothesis of the evolutionary derivation of the Tuberculina mycoparasitism from a sexual interaction is presented.
机译:通过化学固定样品和经过高压冷冻和冷冻替代的样品的连续切片电子显微镜分析了担子菌结核菌与两个锈锈的锈菌Puccinia silvatica和Tranzschelia pruni-spinosae的单倍体的细胞相互作用。 Persicina结核菌是一种接触性寄生虫,既不形成外泌体也不形成其他细胞内结构。然而,在百日草及其宿主之间的接触区域,存在明显的真菌间相互作用。首先,百日草的菌丝细胞以突起侵入宿主细胞壁,并且突起和宿主细胞的细胞壁在接触点溶解。因此,两种生物的质膜接触并融合形成一个孔,该孔扩大到约1μm的最终直径。融合孔的膜与两个细胞的质膜是连续的,并且结核核和其他细胞器转移到了锈细胞。讨论了这种奇怪的担子菌真菌间相互作用的系统发育和功能方面,并提出了从性相互作用中结核菌支原体的进化衍生的假说。



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