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Molecular sequence data assess the value of morphological characteristics for a phylogenetic classification of species of Cintractia


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The genus Cintractia s. l. (Ustilaginales, basidiomycetes) comprises about 40 species of smut fungi infecting Cyperaceae and Juncaceae. These organisms form a phenetic continuum with respect to their sets of morphological character states, which do not allow a clear delimitation of infrageneric groups. According to sequence data of the large subunit ribosomal DNA of 17 species of Cintractia s. l. and related taxa of other genera of smut fungi, Cintractia s. l. is polyphyletic. Five groups of species shown by sequence data are characterized morphologically as different genera: Cintractia s. s., Tolyposporium, and the new genera Gymnocintractia, Leucocintractia, and Stegocintractia. Species of Cintractia s. s. and Tolyposporium form one clade, which is supported morphologically by similar soral structure. In the phylogram based on large subunit rDNA sequence data presented here, Cintractia s. s. seems to be paraphyletic, but the bootstrap values of this topology are very low and members of Cintractia s. s. and Tolyposporium are morphologically easily distinguishable by the presence of irregularly roughly warty teliospores in balls in species of Tolyposporium and single, finely warty teliospores in species of Cintractia s. s. Species of Gymnocintractia and those of Leucocintractia are sister taxa, although the former are similar to species of Stegocintractia by the absence of a sterile stroma in the sori and foveolate teliospores, and the latter to those of Cintractia s. s. by the presence of a sterile stroma, peridia, and nonfoveolate teliospores. Distinctive morphological characteristics were, however, found, such as the presence of fungal peridia in sori of species of Stegocintractia and their absence in those of species of Gymnocintractia, teliospores with rough warts forming ridges in species of Leucocintractia and finely warty ones in species of Cintractia s. s. Hosts of species of Cintractia s. s., Gymnocintractia, and Leucocintractia belong to the Cyperaceae, those of species of Stegocintractia and Tolyposporium to the Juncaceae.
机译:桔梗属。 l。 (Ustilaginales,担子菌)包含感染莎草科和菊科的约40种黑曲霉真菌。这些生物就其形态特征状态集而言,形成了一个物候连续体,无法明确界定亚基因组。根据17种桔梗大亚基核糖体DNA的序列数据。 l。黑穗病真菌Cintractia s的其他属和相关分类单元。 l。是多系的。序列数据显示的五种物种在形态上被表征为不同的属:桔梗。 s。,Tolyposporium和新属Gymnocintractia,Leucocintractia和Stegocintractia。桔梗种。 s。和Tolyposporium形成一个进化枝,在形态上由相似的结构支持。在基于此处呈现的大亚基rDNA序列数据的系统发育图中,Cintractia s。 s。似乎是寄生的,但这种拓扑的引导值非常低,属于Cintractia s。 s。形态上很容易通过在Tolyposporium物种的球中存在不规则粗大疣状的电信孢子和在Cintractia s物种中的单一,精细疣状的孢子的存在而在形态上容易地区分。 s。裸结线虫和白裸线虫的物种是姊妹类群,尽管前者与隐孢子虫的物种相似,因为在单一和凹状脉状的孢子孢子中不存在无菌基质,而后者与桔梗的物种相似。 s。由于存在无菌基质,周膜和非叶状的孢子。然而,发现了明显的形态学特征,例如,在隐孢子虫属物种的菌体中存在真菌周膜虫,而在裸结线虫属物种的菌体中不存在真菌周膜菌,在白术物种中的毛孔带有粗糙的疣而形成了脊,而在桔梗属物种中具有细小的疣。 s。 s。寄主种的寄主。 s。,裸子草属和白术属属于莎草科,属于隐花草属和Tolyposporium的属属于君草科。



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