首页> 外文期刊>Cardiology >Angiographic and clinical characteristics according to intracoronary acetylcholine dose in patients with myocardial bridge

Angiographic and clinical characteristics according to intracoronary acetylcholine dose in patients with myocardial bridge


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Objectives: It is well known that myocardial bridge (MB) is a risk factor of vasospastic angina. However, clinical and angiographic characteristics according to different acetylcholine (ACh) dose in patients with MB are not clarified yet. Methods: A total 483 consecutive patients who had angiographically proven MB underwent the intracoronary ACh provocation test. ACh was injected by incremental doses of 20, 50 and 100 μg into the left coronary artery. We evaluated the clinical and angiographic characteristics of patients with MB according to 3 different ACh doses. Results: The baseline clinical and procedural characteristics are well balanced among the three groups. The MB patients who responded to the lower ACh dose (20 μg) had higher incidence of baseline spasm, severe vasospasm and diffuse long spasms (>30 mm) than those who responded to the higher doses (50 and 100 μg). The incidence of 12-month mortality and recurrent chest pain was higher in the lower ACh dose group (20 μg). Conclusion: The patients with MB significantly reacting at the low ACh dose had more pronounced baseline spasm, severe and diffuse long coronary artery spasm, higher 12-month mortality and recurrent chest pain than those reacting with the higher ACh doses, suggesting that more intensive medical therapy will be required.
机译:目的:众所周知,心肌桥(MB)是血管痉挛性心绞痛的危险因素。然而,尚不清楚MB患者的乙酰胆碱(ACh)剂量不同的临床和血管造影特征。方法:总共483例经血管造影证实为MB的患者接受了冠状动脉内ACh激发试验。以20、50和100μg的增量剂量向左冠状动脉注射ACh。我们根据3种不同的ACh剂量评估了MB患者的临床和血管造影特征。结果:三组患者的基线临床和程序特征均很均衡。与对较高剂量(50和100μg)有反应的患者相比,对较低ACh剂量(20μg)有反应的MB患者基线痉挛,严重血管痉挛和弥漫性长痉挛(> 30 mm)的发生率更高。较低的ACh剂量组(20μg)的12个月死亡率和复发性胸痛的发生率较高。结论:与高ACh剂量反应相比,在低ACh剂量下反应显着的MB患者基线痉挛,重度和弥漫性长冠状动脉痉挛,12个月死亡率更高,复发性胸痛的发生率更高。需要治疗。



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