首页> 外文期刊>Morphologie: Bulletin de l'Association des Morphologistes >A case of an extremely rare unilateral subscapular trunk and axillary artery variation in a male Caucasian: Comparison to the prevalence within other populations

A case of an extremely rare unilateral subscapular trunk and axillary artery variation in a male Caucasian: Comparison to the prevalence within other populations


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A male Caucasian cadaver was found to have a large common trunk that branched off of the first part of the axillary artery of the left arm. This trunk gave rise to all but two arterial branches of the axillary region. The large common trunk first gave off a thoracoacromial artery followed by the main branch, the subscapular artery. The subscapular was the origin of the posterior circumflex humeral and lateral thoracic arteries immediately proximal to bifurcating into its two terminal branches, the circumflex scapular and thoracodorsal arteries. Only the superior thoracic and anterior circumflex humeral arteries arose directly from the axillary artery. Also found was a high origin of the radial artery, noteworthy by its serpentine route. In comparison, in the right arm, no variants appeared in the axillary, subscapular, or brachial arteries. A comparison with branching patterns of axillary arteries from demographically similar and dissimilar populations revealed the extreme rarity of this set of anomalies.



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