首页> 外文期刊>The American journal of Chinese medicine >Acupuncture for acute torticollis: a pilot study.

Acupuncture for acute torticollis: a pilot study.


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The use of subjective end-points such as VAS pain scales in studies of acupuncture for chronic neck pain have resulted in equivocal results. This study introduces an objective parameter as the primary end-point for the assessment of acupuncture in patients with acute torticollis (stiff neck). Eighteen patients underwent a single 20-minute treatment session, with needling of two acupuncture points Hou Hsi (SI-3) and Luo Zhen (M-UE-24), on the side ipsilateral to the predominantly involved side of the neck. Measuring the angle of lateral head rotation using a simple compass and protractor, a mean improvement of 52.9 was found, more so among those presenting earlier ( 72 hours; p = 0.034). The use of objective parameters, as seen in acupuncture research of the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts, should be incorporated into studies of acute and chronic neck pain. The use of sham needle points and placebo needles is problematic since both may elicit physiological responses.
机译:在针灸治疗慢性颈部疼痛的研究中使用主观终点(如VAS疼痛量表)导致了模棱两可的结果。本研究引入了一个客观参数作为评估急性斜颈(颈部僵硬)患者针灸的主要终点。18 名患者接受了一次 20 分钟的治疗,针刺了两个穴位 Hou Hsi (SI-3) 和 Luo Zhen (M-UE-24),位于颈部主要受累侧的同侧。使用简单的指南针和量角器测量头部侧向旋转的角度,发现平均改善了 52.9%,在较早( 72 小时;p = 0.034)的患者中更是如此。在胃肠道和呼吸道针灸研究中看到的客观参数的使用应纳入急性和慢性颈部疼痛的研究。使用假针头和安慰剂针是有问题的,因为两者都可能引起生理反应。



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