首页> 外文期刊>Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte >Wissenschaftssystematik als Kulturaufgabe. M?glichkeiten eines offenen Kulturbegriffs in Paul Hinnebergs Enzyklopadieprojekt

Wissenschaftssystematik als Kulturaufgabe. M?glichkeiten eines offenen Kulturbegriffs in Paul Hinnebergs Enzyklopadieprojekt

机译:科学系统作为一项文化任务。 Paul Hinneberg的百科全书库项目中开放文化概念的可能性

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Paul Hinneberg promises, in his multi-volume Kultur der Gegenwart (1906sqq.), to capture the culture of his time in its entirety; only a veritable encyclopedia could be adequate to the task of synthesizing the manifold and disparate tendencies of Kultur. Surprisingly, however, any attempt to make explicit the systematic principles governing his encyclopedic synthesis is missing from his project. It is argued that this - unusual - feature of Hinneberg's Kultur der Gegenwart can itself be understood as a result of typical analyses of Kultur at the turn of the century; culture, as an open, multi-sided, and integrative concept may indeed best be captured in an open system that avoids strict and explicit demarcations. In these respects, the task of capturing Kultur turns out to be closely linked to another task prominent around 1900: that of providing a systematic ordering of the various Wissenschaften.
机译:保罗·辛内伯格(Paul Hinneberg)承诺在他的多本《文化根特的故事》(Kultur der Gegenwart,1906平方米)中全面捕捉他时代的文化。只有一个名副其实的百科全书才能满足合成Kultur多种多样趋势的任务。然而,令人惊讶的是,他的项目中没有任何试图明确阐明管理他的百科全书综合性的系统原理的尝试。有人认为,由于世纪之交对库尔图尔进行的典型分析,欣内堡的库尔特·德·根根华特的这一非同寻常的特征本身可以理解。作为一个开放的,多面的和综合的概念,文化实际上最好是在避免严格和明确划分的开放系统中捕获。在这些方面,捕获Kultur的任务与1900年左右突出的另一个任务紧密相关:提供各种Wissenschaften的系统排序。



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