首页> 外文期刊>Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte >Wissenschaft und Musik - Einführende Bemerkungen

Wissenschaft und Musik - Einführende Bemerkungen


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Science and music. Introductory remarks. The article presents a brief introduction to Science and Music, theme of the 44th symposium of the Society for History of Sciences held in Munich in Mai 2007. The text begins with a brief reference to the numerous biographical connections between the two fields, but focuses primarily on topics that reveal music and the sciences to be results of shared cultural practices. Examples include: (1) shared objects in the material sense, meaning the use of particular instruments in both music and the sciences; (2) shared semantics, metaphors, and concepts, for example the use of the concepts like clang or tone color in acoustics and the psychology of audition, or talk of mood and harmony in both music and in literature; (3) direct interactions between mathematics, physics and music, for example in the electronic music of the twentieth century.
机译:科学和音乐。引言。本文简要介绍了科学与音乐,这是2007年5月在慕尼黑举行的科学史学会第44届学术讨论会的主题。本文首先简要介绍了这两个领域之间的许多传记联系,但重点是揭示音乐和科学是共享文化实践的结果。示例包括:(1)物质意义上的共享对象,这意味着在音乐和科学中都使用特定的乐器; (2)共享语义,隐喻和概念,例如在声学和试听心理学中使用诸如叮当声或音色之类的概念,或者在音乐和文学中谈论情绪和和谐; (3)数学,物理和音乐之间的直接相互作用,例如在20世纪的电子音乐中。



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