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Isolation of a major genetic interaction associated with an extreme phenotype using assorted F2 populations in rice


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Detection of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) is dependent on the materials used in the analysis, as different combinations of parental materials may lead to different outcomes in QTLs for the same trait. On the other hand, an extreme phenotype associated with a given trait implies the potential involvement of a particular allele in various allelic interactions. A genetic factor associated with such an extreme phenotype may frequently be identified from various genetic populations consisting of different parental combinations. In this study, we attempted to uncover the genetic factor associated with extremely early heading date in rice, using various F2 populations. Heading date in rice has been characterized by at least 19 QTLs, from which 12 genes have been identified. A58, a rice strain with an extremely early heading date, is adapted to Hokkaido, the northernmost limit of rice cultivation. Six F2 populations derived from crosses of A58 with six other strains displayed a range of heading dates. Genotyping using 19 QTL markers indicated that the A58 allele of the Ghd7 locus was present in most F2 individuals exhibiting extremely early heading dates. This analysis also demonstrated that when the wild-type Ehd1 allele was present, the Ghd7 allele from A58 accelerated floral induction. The results of this study demonstrate that assorted F2 populations are valuable materials for comprehensive genotyping to explore major genetic factors for extreme phenotypes, and that this methodology is broadly applicable to other unknown traits.
机译:定量性状基因座(QTL)的检测取决于分析中使用的材料,因为不同的亲本材料组合可能导致相同性状的QTL不同。另一方面,与给定性状相关的极端表型意味着特定等位基因可能参与各种等位基因相互作用。与这种极端表型有关的遗传因子经常可以从由不同亲本组合组成的各种遗传群体中鉴定出来。在这项研究中,我们尝试使用各种F2种群来揭示与水稻抽穗期极早有关的遗传因素。水稻的抽穗期至少要有19个QTL的特征,从中已经鉴定出12个基因。 A58是抽穗期极短的水稻品系,适用于北海道,即水稻种植的最北端。从A58与其他6个品系杂交得到的6个F2种群显示了一定的抽穗期。使用19个QTL标记进行基因分型表明,Ghd7基因座的A58等位基因存在于大多数F2个体中,这些个体表现出极早的抽穗期。该分析还表明,当存在野生型Ehd1等位基因时,来自A58的Ghd7等位基因可加速花诱导。这项研究的结果表明,各种F2种群是进行全面基因分型以探索极端表型的主要遗传因素的有价值的材料,并且该方法学广泛适用于其他未知性状。



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