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Supranuclear gaze palsy in glycine receptor antibody-positive progressive encephalomyelitis with rigidity and myoclonus


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Hexanucleotide expansions"withfrrtfte" first iiitron of the C9ORF72 gene are a significant cause of familial frontotem-poral dementia (FTD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), alone or in combination, as well as sporadic ALS worldwide. Several recent reports have described cases that broaden the clinical phenotype to include behavioral-variant FTD with or without early psychiatric presentations and parkinsonian features and primary progressive aphasia.6 There is also a report of a patient with a family history of ALS and cerebellar ataxia, an intriguing finding as neu-roimaging of C9ORF72 patients shows cerebellar atrophy, which is not typically observed with other FTD-related mutations such as MAPT or GRN.7 Cerebellar neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions have also been observed in multiple studies, yet clinical cerebellar ataxia has not been detected in any large cohorts of C9ORF72 patients with FTD and/or ALS. Because a majority of adult-onset ataxia cases are of unknown etiology, these observations raise the possibility that C9ORF72 may contribute to the development of sporadic spinocerebellar ataxia.
机译:C9ORF72基因的六核苷酸扩展“先有先有”是单独或组合使用的家族性额前体孔性痴呆(FTD)和肌萎缩性侧索硬化(ALS)的重要原因,以及全球范围内的散发性ALS。最近的几篇报道描述了扩大临床表型的病例,包括行为变异型FTD,有或没有早期精神病表现,帕金森病特征和原发性进行性失语症。6还有报告称,有家族病史的ALS和小脑性共济失调患者, C9ORF72患者的神经影像学检查显示小脑萎缩,这是一个有趣的发现,在其他FTD相关突变(例如MAPT或GRN)中通常不会观察到。7在多项研究中也观察到小脑神经元胞浆内含物,但临床小脑共济失调尚未见在所有C9ORF72患有FTD和/或ALS的大型队列中均检测到了这种病毒。由于大多数成年共济失调病例的病因不明,因此这些发现增加了C9ORF72可能导致散发性脊髓小脑共济失调的可能性。



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