首页> 外文期刊>Multiple sclerosis: clinical and laboratory research >High-dose intravenous interferon beta in patients with neutralizing antibodies (HINABS): a pilot study.

High-dose intravenous interferon beta in patients with neutralizing antibodies (HINABS): a pilot study.


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BACKGROUND: Neutralizing antibodies (NABs) against interferon beta (IFNbeta) are associated with a loss of IFNbeta bioactivity and clinical effectiveness. To date, there are no anti-NAB strategies available. The primary objective of this trial was to investigate whether intravenous IFNbeta-1b can restore bioactivity in NAB-positive patients with MS. METHODS: NAB-positive patients with MS were treated with 8 MIU IFNbeta-1b s.c., 8 MIU i.v., and 16 MIU i.v. Each application was preceded by a wash-out period of 1 week. Blood samples were collected before, 3, 12, and 24 h after each administration. Myxovirus protein A (MxA) RNA and protein levels were determined. The study has been approved by the local ethics committee. RESULTS: Five patients completed the study. NAB titers ranged from 42 to 4482 neutralizing units. Median MxA protein (1821, range 12-3234) and RNA (2186, range 114-7525) area under the curve levels for the four measurements at each IFNbeta injection were significantly higher after i.v. application of 16 MIU as compared with both 8-MIU dosages, which were 743 (0-2709) for MxA protein after 8 MIU i.v. and 254 (0-1200) after s.c., and 1763 (25-7188) for MxA RNA after 8 MIU i.v., and 557 (5-2265) after s.c. applications. NAB titers decreased significantly and transiently after infusion of 16 MIU IFNbeta-1b but not after both forms of 8 MIU applications. Typical side effects could be controlled by paracetamol. No allergic reaction was observed. DISCUSSION: The results indicate that i.v. administration of IFNbeta can restore bioavailability of IFNbeta in patients with NABs.
机译:背景:针对干扰素β(IFNbeta)的中和抗体(NAB)与IFNbeta生物活性的丧失和临床有效性有关。迄今为止,还没有可用的抗NAB策略。该试验的主要目的是调查静脉内IFNbeta-1b是否能恢复NAB阳性MS患者的生物活性。方法:NAB阳性的MS患者接受8 MIU IFNbeta-1b s.c.,8 MIU i.v.和16 MIU i.v.治疗。每次申请前都要进行1周的清洗期。每次给药之前,3、12和24小时后采集血样。确定了黏液病毒蛋白A(MxA)的RNA和蛋白水平。该研究已得到当地伦理委员会的批准。结果:五名患者完成了研究。 NAB效价介于42至4482中和单位之间。静脉注射后,每次IFNbeta注射四次测量的曲线水平下的MxA蛋白中位数(1821,范围12-3234)和RNA(2186,范围114-7525)面积均显着较高。与8个MIU剂量相比,应用了16个MIU,8个MIU静脉注射后MxA蛋白的使用量为743(0-2709)。 s.c.之后为254(0-1200),i.v。8 MIU之后为MxA RNA 1763(25-7188),s.c。之后557(5-2265)。应用程序。输注16种MIU IFNbeta-1b后,NAB滴度显着下降,但在两种形式的8种MIU应用后均没有明显下降。典型的副作用可以通过扑热息痛控制。没有观察到过敏反应。讨论:结果表明,服用IFNbeta可以恢复NAB患者的IFNbeta生物利用度。



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