首页> 外文期刊>Kinematics and physics of celestial bodies >Effects of the Solar Eclipse of August 1, 2008; on the Earth's Lower Atmosphere

Effects of the Solar Eclipse of August 1, 2008; on the Earth's Lower Atmosphere


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The paper presents results of optical observations and analysis of dynamics of effects on the earth's lower atmosphere of the partial solar eclipse (of magnitude 42%) of August 1, 2008, near Kharkov. This is compared with the effects induced by the partial solar eclipses on August 11, 1999,and October 3, 2005. An three eclipses occurred around midday. The standard deviation of the solarlimb displacement as during the eclipses on October 3, 2005, August 1, 2008, and August 11, 1999, was established to decrease by 0.13, 0.30, and 0.68" at the maximum of the solar obscuration function 0.13, 0.31, and 0.73, respectively, so that the temperature drop in the earth's lower atmosphere was ta 1.3, 2.0, and 7.3 K. The time lags of decreases of σ_s and t_owas found to be 15 and 5 minutes.
机译:本文介绍了光学观测的结果,以及2008年8月1日在哈尔科夫附近的部分日食对地球低层大气影响的动力学分析(幅度为42%)。将其与1999年8月11日和2005年10月3日部分日食引起的影响进行比较。在中午前后发生了3次日食。确定在2005年10月3日,2008年8月1日和1999年8月日蚀期间,太阳肢位移的标准偏差在最大的太阳遮挡函数0.13时分别减小0.13、0.30和0.68“,分别为0.31和0.73,因此地球较低层大气中的温度下降为ta 1.3、2.0和7.3K。σ_s和t_owas下降的时滞分别为15分钟和5分钟。



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