首页> 外文期刊>Molecular physics >A complete list of symmetry adapted expressions to the fourth power for compact bending potentials in molecules with C-3v and T-d symmetry from a general symbolic algebra program

A complete list of symmetry adapted expressions to the fourth power for compact bending potentials in molecules with C-3v and T-d symmetry from a general symbolic algebra program


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An algorithm is proposed to perform the reduction of direct product representations of finite groups and, in particular, to perform the complete symmetry adaption of power representations, which may be used to obtain compact analytical representations of potential energy surfaces following an idea described in Marquardt and Quack [J. Chem. Phys. 109, 10628 ( 1998)]. The algorithm is general in the sense that it can be applied to any finite group being characterized by its set of irreducible representations. It is automatic in the sense that, in case the reduction yields multiple degenerate irreducible subspaces of the same species, all degenerate irreducible subspaces are obtained with a coherent phase relation. The algorithm is based on the standard reduction rule of traditional representation theory. A symbolic algebra computer program based on MAPLE is presented and applied here to obtain the complete list of symmetry adapted expressions of bond angle coordinates up to the fourth power in all irreducible representations of the C-3v and T-d point groups.
机译:提出了一种算法来执行有限组的直接乘积表示的约简,尤其是执行功率表示的完全对称适应,该算法可用于遵循Marquardt和Quack [J.化学物理109,10628(1998)]。从某种意义上说,该算法是通用的,它可以应用于以其不可约表示集为特征的任何有限群。从某种意义上讲,这是自动的,如果还原产生相同物种的多个简并不可约子空间,则所有简并不可约子空间都具有相干相位关系。该算法基于传统表示理论的标准归约规则。本文介绍了一个基于MAPLE的符号代数计算机程序,并将其应用到这里,以获得在C-3v和T-d点组的所有不可约表示中,键角坐标的对称适应表达式的完整列表,直至四次方。



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