首页> 外文期刊>Molecular phylogenetics and evolution >Deep evolutionary lineages in a Western Mediterranean snake (Vipera latastei/monticola group) and high genetic structuring in Southern Iberian populations

Deep evolutionary lineages in a Western Mediterranean snake (Vipera latastei/monticola group) and high genetic structuring in Southern Iberian populations

机译:地中海西部蛇(Vipera latastei / monticola组)的深层进化谱系和伊比利亚南部种群的高遗传结构

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Phylogeographic studies during the last decade confirmed an internal complexity of the Iberian Peninsula and northern Maghreb as refugial areas during the Miocene to Pleistocene period. Species with low vagility that experienced the complex climatic and palaeogeographic processes occurred in the Western Mediterranean Basin are excellent candidates to study the extent of lineage diversification in this region. We applied phylogenetic analyses based on mitochondrial data to infer the evolutionary history of Vipera latastei/monticola and identify the major biogeographic events structuring the genetic diversity within this group. We obtained a well-resolved phylogeny, with four highly divergent lineages (one African and three Iberian) that originated in the Tertiary. Coalescence-based estimations suggest that the differentiation of the four major lineages in V. latastei/monticola corresponds to the Messinian salinity crisis and the reopening of the Strait of Gibraltar during the Miocene. Subsequent Pliocene and Pleistocene climatic oscillations continued to isolate both Iberian and Maghrebian populations and led to a high genetic structuring in this group, particularly in Southern Iberia, a complex palaeogeographic and topographic region with high endemism levels. This study does not support the current taxonomy of the group, thus suggesting that an integrative evaluation of Iberian and African populations is needed to resolve its systematics.
机译:最近十年的系统地理学研究证实,在中新世至更新世时期,伊比利亚半岛和北部马格里布地区是内部避难所。在西地中海盆地经历过复杂的气候和古地理过程的低挥发性物种是研究该地区谱系多样化程度的极佳候选者。我们基于线粒体数据进行了系统发育分析,以推断of蛇/小tic蛇的进化史,并确定构成该群体遗传多样性的主要生物地理事件。我们获得了良好的系统发育史,其中有四个起源于第三纪的高度不同的世系(一个非洲人和三个伊比利亚人)。基于聚结的估计表明,中拉新世(V. latastei / monticola)中四个主要谱系的分化对应于中新世时期的墨西尼盐度危机和直布罗陀海峡的重新开放。随后的上新世和更新世气候振荡继续孤立伊比利亚和马格里布人种群,并导致这一群体的遗传结构高度复杂,特别是在伊比利亚南部地区,这是一个复杂的古地理和地形区域,地方病流行程度很高。这项研究不支持该组的当前分类法,因此建议需要对伊比利亚和非洲人口进行综合评估以解决其系统性问题。



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