首页> 外文期刊>Molecular phylogenetics and evolution >It's a family matter: Molecular phylogenetics of Atheriniformes and the polyphyly of the surf silversides (Family: Notocheiridae)

It's a family matter: Molecular phylogenetics of Atheriniformes and the polyphyly of the surf silversides (Family: Notocheiridae)


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Phylogenetic relationships among families of Atheriniformes have long been problematic. The affinities of one of the most enigmatic lineages, surf silversides (Notocheiridae), have proven particularly elusive due to this taxon's unique morphology and rarity in museum collections. In this study, we use mitochondrial and nuclear sequence data to generate a phylogeny for seven of the eight families of Atheriniformes. Our results reveal that four families within Atheriniformes (Atherinopsidae, Notocheiridae, Atherinidae, Melanotaeniidae) are not monophyletic. Most notably, Notocheiridae is polyphyletic, with Notocheirus hubbsi nested within New World silversides (Atherinopsidae), while members of Iso are sister to all other Old World Atheriniforms. These data suggest that the unique morphology of Notocheirus and Iso is a result of adaptive convergent evolution to the high-energy surf habitat where these species live.
机译:长期以来,Atheriniformes家族之间的亲缘关系一直存在问题。由于这个分类单元独特的形态和稀有性,博物馆中最神秘的血统之一-银侧冲浪(Notocheiridae)的亲和力被证明尤其难以捉摸。在这项研究中,我们使用线粒体和核序列数据来为八形A虫科中的七个家族生成系统发育史。我们的研究结果表明,在ther形纲(Atherinopsidae,Notocheiridae,Atherinidae,Melanotaeniidae)中的四个科不是单系的。最显着的是,Notocheiridae是多系的,其中Notocheirus hubbsi嵌套在新世界银边(Atherinopsidae)中,而Iso的成员则是所有其他旧世界Atheriniforms的姐妹。这些数据表明,脊骨鱼类和伊索鱼类的独特形态是向这些物种所居住的高能冲浪栖息地自适应收敛进化的结果。



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