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A species-to-be? The genetic status and colonization history of the critically endangered Killarney shad


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Typically anadromous, the twaite shad (Alosa fallax) can become landlocked and adapt to a fully freshwater life. The only landlocked shad population in Northwestern Europe is found in a lake in Ireland, Lough Leane. The Killarney shad, Alosa killarnensis (or Alosa fallax killarnensis, as it is mostly referred to) displays a level of morphological divergence that indicates a long-term isolation in the lake. Microsatellites and mtDNA control region sequences were used within a coalescent framework (BEAST and Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC)) to investigate its colonization history and to clarify its taxonomic status. Results indicate that the lake was likely colonized in two independent events, the first coinciding with the retreat of the ice sheet from the area after the Last Glacial Maximum and the second after the Younger Dryas. Microsatellite data has shown that these two landlocked lineages have completely admixed within the lake, and have started diverging significantly from their closest ancestor, the twaite shad. We argue that our molecular results (together with the life-history and physiological divergence between Killarney and twaite shad) are conspicuous enough to view the landlocked population as a new species, and one whose future existence would certainly not be insured by its sister taxon.
机译:斜背sha(Alosa fallax)通常过高,会内陆并适应完全的淡水生活。西北欧唯一内陆的d鱼种群位于爱尔兰的莱恩湖中。基拉尼sha鱼Alosa killarnensis(或Alosa fallax killarnensis,通常被称为)显示出一定程度的形态差异,表明在湖中已长期隔离。微卫星和mtDNA控制区序列用于合并框架(BEAST和近似贝叶斯计算(ABC))中,以研究其定殖历史并阐明其分类学地位。结果表明,该湖很可能在两个独立的事件中被定殖,第一个事件与最后一次冰河盛行之后该地区冰盖的退缩相吻合,第二个事件与Younger Dryas之后的第二个事件相吻合。微卫星数据显示,这两个内陆世系已在湖中完全融合,并开始与最接近的祖先twaite shad大相径庭。我们认为,我们的分子结果(连同基拉尼和特威特黑德之间的生活史和生理差异)足够明显,可以将内陆人口视为一种新物种,而其未来的生存肯定不会得到其姊妹分类单元的保障。



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