首页> 外文期刊>Molecular phylogenetics and evolution >A phylogeny of the northern temperate leafy liverwort genus Scapania (Scapaniaceae, Jungermanniales)

A phylogeny of the northern temperate leafy liverwort genus Scapania (Scapaniaceae, Jungermanniales)


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Scapania is a northern temperate genus with a few disjunctions in the south. Despite receiving considerable attention, the supraspecific classification of this genus remains unsatisfactorily solved. We use three molecular markers (nrITS, cpDNA trnL-F region, atpB-rbcL spacer) and 175 accessions belonging to 50 species (plus eight outgroup taxa) to estimate the phylogeny and to test current classification systems. Our data support the classification of Scapania into six rather than three subgenera, rearrangements within numerous sections, and inclusion of Macrodiplophyllum microdontum. Scapania species with a plicate perianth form three early diverging lineages; the most speciose subgenus, Scapania s.str., represents a derived clade. Most morphological species concepts are supported by the molecular topologies but classification of sect. Curtae requires further study. Southern lineages are nested in northern hemispheric clades. Palearctic-Nearctic distribution ranges are supported for several species.
机译:斯卡帕尼亚(Scapania)是北部的温带属,南部有一些分离。尽管受到了相当大的关注,但该属的超特异分类仍然不能令人满意地解决。我们使用三个分子标记(nrITS,cpDNA trnL-F区,atpB-rbcL间隔区)和属于50个物种的175个种质(加上八个外群类群)来估计系统发育并测试当前的分类系统。我们的数据支持将Scapania分为六个而不是三个亚属,在许多区域内进行了重排,并包含了Macrodiplophyllum microdontum。花被褶皱的斯卡帕尼亚物种形成三个早期发散的世系。最特殊的亚属Scapania s.str。代表衍生的进化枝。大多数形态学物种概念受分子拓扑学支持,但属于教派分类。 Curtae需要进一步研究。南部血统嵌套在北半球进化枝中。支持几种物种的古北-白垩纪分布范围。



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