首页> 外文期刊>Molecular phylogenetics and evolution >Brazilian marsupial frogs are diphyletic (Anura: Hemiphractidae: Gastrotheca)

Brazilian marsupial frogs are diphyletic (Anura: Hemiphractidae: Gastrotheca)


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Molecular phylogenetic analyses based on expanded taxonomic and geographic sampling support the monophyly of the marsupial frog genera (family Hemiphractidae), resolve six geographically circumscribed lineages within Gastrotheca, and, for the first time, reveal that two divergent lineages of Gastrotheca inhabit the Atlantic Coastal Forests of Brazil. Within Gastrotheca, the earliest diverging clade is confined to northeastern Brazil, whereas the three subsequent diverging lineages are restricted to northern Venezuela (G. walkeri), southeastern Brazil, and northwestern South America. All species in these clades inhabit humid forests at low to mid-elevations, and their life histories are characterized by lacking free-living tadpoles (i.e., direct development). Two derived clades inhabit the Andes, and both contain species with either direct development or tadpoles. One Andean clade of Gastrotheca ranges in the high Andes from Colombia to extreme northern Peru, whereas the other clade inhabits high elevations in the Andes of southern Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia, and lower elevations in the Andes of northwestern Argentina. The presence of two non-sister lineages on each side of the Amazon Basin suggests that vicariance across this central region played an important role in diversification within Gastrotheca.
机译:基于扩展的分类学和地理采样的分子系统发育分析支持有袋蛙属(半翅目科)的单性,解析了天麻中的六个地理界,并且首次揭示了天麻的两个不同世系居住在大西洋沿岸森林中巴西的。在Gastrotheca内,最早的分支分支仅限于巴西东北部,而随后的三个分支分支则限于委内瑞拉北部(G. walkeri),巴西东南部和南美西北部。这些进化支中的所有物种都居住在海拔较低至中等的潮湿森林中,其生活史的特征是缺乏自由生存的t(即直接发育)。安第斯山脉有两个衍生的进化枝,都含有直接发育或t的物种。 Gastrotheca的一个安第斯山脉位于从哥伦比亚到秘鲁北部最北端的安第斯山脉,而另一分支位于厄瓜多尔南部,秘鲁和玻利维亚的安第斯山脉的高海拔,以及阿根廷西北部的安第斯山脉的低海拔。亚马孙河流域两侧各有两个非姐妹血统,这表明该中部地区的差异在天麻中的多样化中起着重要作用。



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