首页> 外文期刊>african geographical review >'Abandoning' farms in search of food: food remittance and household food security in Ghana

'Abandoning' farms in search of food: food remittance and household food security in Ghana


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This paper examines the important place of food remittances in the context of household food security in the Upper West Region (UWR) of Ghana against a backdrop of rapid environmental change and accelerating rural poverty. Findings from in-depth interviews conducted in the UWR show a tendency toward increased dependence of rural poor families on food remittance as a strategy for coping with chronic household food insecurity amidst poverty, changing patterns of rainfall and declining soil fertility. In addition, the study also shows that while food remittance entailed spatial dispersion of the household in a context where certain household members migrate to distant agricultural-rich hinterlands, engage in migrant farming and remit agricultural produce back home, the strategy nonetheless leads to the strengthening of familial and kinship ties. The study concludes by making relevant policy recommendations that would improve household livelihood security.



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