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A phylogeny and biogeographic analysis for the Cape-Pondweed family Aponogetonaceae (Alismatales)


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The monocot family Aponogetonaceae (Alismatales) consists only of Aponogeton, with 57 species occurring in Africa, Madagascar, India and Sri Lanka, Southeast Asia and Australia. Earlier studies inferred a Madagascan or Australian origin for the genus. Aponogeton-like pollen is documented from the Late Cretaceous of Wyoming, the early mid-Eocene of Canada, and the late mid-Eocene of Greenland. We obtained nuclear and plastid DNA sequences for 42 species and generated a time-calibrated phylogeny, rooted on appropriate outgroups. Statistical biogeographic analyses were carried out with or without the fossils incorporated in the phylogeny. The recent-most common ancestor of living Aponogetonaceae appears to date to the mid-Eocene and to have lived in Madagascar or Africa (but not Australia). Three transoceanic dispersal events from Africa/Madagascar to Asia sometime during the Miocene could explain the observed species relationships. As inferred in earlier studies, an ancient Australian species is sister to all other Aponogetonaceae, while the remaining Australian species stem from an Asian ancestor that arrived about 5 million years ago. The family's ancient Northern Hemisphere fossil record and deepest extant divergence between a single Australian species and an Africa/Madagascar clade are statistically well-supported and rank among the most unusual patters in the biogeography of flowering plants. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:单子叶植物蓬蓬藻科(Alismatales)仅由蓬蓬藻组成,在非洲,马达加斯加,印度和斯里兰卡,东南亚和澳大利亚有57种。较早的研究推断该属是马达加斯加人或澳大利亚人。从怀俄明州的白垩纪晚期,加拿大的始新世中期和格陵兰的始新世晚期都记录到了类似皂甙的花粉。我们获得了42个物种的核和质体DNA序列,并产生了以特定群体为根的经过时间校准的系统发育史。进行统计生物地理分析时是否将化石并入系统发育中。活的Aponogetonaceae的最近最共同的祖先似乎可以追溯到始新世中期,并且生活在马达加斯加或非洲(但不是澳大利亚)。在中新世期间从非洲/马达加斯加到亚洲的三个跨洋传播事件可以解释所观察到的物种关系。正如先前的研究所推断的那样,一个古老的澳大利亚物种是所有其他犬齿藻科的姐妹,而其余的澳大利亚物种则起源于大约500万年前到达的亚洲祖先。该家族的古老北半球化石记录以及单个澳大利亚物种与非洲/马达加斯加进化枝之间最深的现存差异在统计上得到了充分的支持,并且是开花植物生物地理学中最不寻常的模式之一。 (C)2014 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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