首页> 外文期刊>Molecular phylogenetics and evolution >Molecular phylogeny, biogeography and insights into the origin of parthenogenesis in the Neotropical genus Leposoma (Squamata: Gymnophthalmidae): Ancient links between the Atlantic Forest and Amazonia

Molecular phylogeny, biogeography and insights into the origin of parthenogenesis in the Neotropical genus Leposoma (Squamata: Gymnophthalmidae): Ancient links between the Atlantic Forest and Amazonia


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Leposoma is a conspicuous component of leaf litter herpetofauna of South and Central American rainforests. The 15 bisexual and one parthenogenetic species are allocated to the parietale and scincoides groups based on morphology. Phylogenetic analyses of 1830. bp (mtDNA + nuclear) were performed on 63 specimens of four species from Amazonian and Panamanian rainforests, and six species and one undescribed form from the Atlantic Forest. Different methods of tree reconstruction were explored, with Anotosaura vanzolinia and Colobosauroides cearensis as outgroups. The monophyly of the parietale and scincoides groups is strongly supported. Contrary to previous hypotheses suggesting a recent contact between Atlantic and Amazon forests, our estimates point to an initial split in Miocene. The position of Leposoma baturitensis, endemic to relictual forests in the semiarid Caatingas northeastern Brazil, and its divergence from the remaining species of the Atlantic Forest, suggests an ancient isolation with no indication of a secondary contact with forests of the eastern coast. Our data do not permit unambiguous assignment of parental species of the unisexual Leposoma percarinatum or the mechanism involved in the origin of parthenogenesis, but revealed two highly divergent diploid and triploid lineages within L. percarinatum, indicating that the unisexuals represent a species complex.
机译:Leposoma是南美和中美洲雨林的凋落物Herpetofauna的显着组成部分。根据形态将15个双性恋物种和1个孤雌生殖物种分配给旁系群和杀鞘菌群。对来自亚马逊雨林和巴拿马雨林的四种物种的63种标本进行了1830 bp(mtDNA +核)的系统发育分析,而大西洋森林的六种标本和一种未描述的标本进行了系统发育分析。探索了不同的树木重建方法,其中以瓦兹诺notosa(Anotosaura vanzolinia)和Cearensis Colobosauroides cearensis为一组。大力支持单枪类动物和杀鳞蝇类的一夫一妻制。与先前的假设暗示大西洋和亚马逊森林之间最近接触的假设相反,我们的估计表明中新世发生了初步分裂。巴西东北半干旱的Caatingas中的遗迹森林特有的Leposoma baturitensis的位置,以及与大西洋森林其余物种的分叉,表明这是一个古老的孤立地带,没有迹象表明与东部沿海森林有二次接触。我们的数据不允许明确分配单性的Leposoma percarinatum的亲本种或参与孤雌生殖起源的机制,但揭示了L. percarinatum内的两个高度不同的二倍体和三倍体谱系,表明单性者代表物种复合体。



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