首页> 外文期刊>Molecular phylogenetics and evolution >Molecular phylogenetics and character evolution of the 'sacaca' clade: Novel relationships of Croton section Cleodora (Euphorbiaceae)

Molecular phylogenetics and character evolution of the 'sacaca' clade: Novel relationships of Croton section Cleodora (Euphorbiaceae)

机译:“ sacaca”进化枝的分子系统学和特征进化:巴豆科克娄多拉(Euphorbiaceae)的新关系

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Phylogenetic relationships of Croton section Cleodora (Klotzsch) Baill. were evaluated using the nuclear ribosomal ITS and the chloroplast trnL-F and trnH-psbA regions. Our results show a strongly supported clade containing most previously recognized section Cleodora species, plus some other species morphologically similar to them. Two morphological synapomorphies that support section Cleodora as a clade include pistillate flowers in which the sepals overlap to some degree, and styles that are connate at the base to varying degrees. The evolution of vegetative and floral characters that have previously been relied on for taxonomic decisions within this group are evaluated in light of the phylogenetic hypotheses. Within section Cleodora there are two well-supported clades, which are proposed here as subsections (subsection Sphaerogyni and subsection Spruceani). The resulting phylogenetic hypothesis identifies the closest relatives of the medicinally important and essential oil-rich Croton cajucara Benth. as candidates for future screening in phytochemical and pharmacological studies.
机译:巴豆科克洛多拉(Klotzsch)Baill的系统发生关系。使用核糖体ITS和叶绿体trnL-F和trnH-psbA区进行了评估。我们的研究结果显示,一个支持力强的进化枝包含了最广为人知的克雷奥拉(Cleodora)切面物种,以及一些形态相似的物种。支撑克雷奥达(Cleodora)断面的两个形态上的同形异能包括萼片花,在这些花萼片中,萼片有一定程度的重叠,花柱的花序在不同程度上汇合于基部。根据系统发育假设,评估了先前在该组中的分类决策所依据的植物性和花卉性状的进化。在克雷奥多拉(Cleodora)节中,有两个支撑良好的进化枝,在此作为子节提出(Sphaerogyni子节和Spruceani子节)。由此产生的系统发育假说确定了医学上重要且精油丰富的巴豆Cajucara Benth的近亲。作为未来在植物化学和药理学研究中筛选的候选人。



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