
Whence the Red Panda?


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The evolutionary history of the red panda (Ailurus fulgens) plays a pivotal role in the higher-level phylogeny of the "bear-like" arctoid carnivoran mammals. Characters from morphology and molecules have provided inconsistent evidence for placement of the red panda. Whereas it certainly is an arctoid, there has been major controversy about whether it should be placed with the bears (ursids), ursids plus pinnipeds (seals, sea lions, walrus), raccoons (procyonids), musteloids (raccoons plus weasel, skunks, otters, and badgers [mustelids]), or as a monotypic lineage of uncertain phylogenetic affinities. Nucleotide sequence data from three mitochondrial genes and one nuclear intron were analyzed, with more complete taxonomic sampling of relevant taxa (arctoids) than previously available in analyses of primary molecular data, to clarify the phylogenetic relationships of the red panda to other arctoid carnivorans. This study provides detailed phylogenetic analyses (both parsimony and maximum-likelihood) of primary character data for arctoid carnivorans, including bootstrap and decay indices for all arctoid nodes, and three statistical tests of alternative phylogenetic hypotheses for the placement of the red panda. Combined phylogenetic analyses reject the hypotheses that the red panda is most closely related to the bears (ursids) or to the raccoons (procyonids). Rather, evidence from nucleotide sequences strongly support placement of the red panda within a broad Musteloidea (sensu lato) clade, including three major lineages (the red panda, the skunks [mephitids], and a clearly monophyletic clade of procyonids plus mustelids [sensu stricto, excluding skunks]). Within the Musteloidea, interrelationships of the three major lineages are unclear and probably are best considered an unresolved trichotomy. These data provide compelling evidence for the relationships of the red panda and demonstrate that small taxonomic sample sizes can result in misleading or possibly erroneous (based on prior modeling, as well as conflict between the results of our analyses of less and more complete data sets) conclusions about phylogenetic relationships and taxonomy.
机译:小熊猫(Ailurus fulgens)的进化史在“熊状”弧形食肉动物哺乳动物的更高系统发育中起着关键作用。来自形态和分子的特征为小熊猫的放置提供了不一致的证据。尽管它确实是一个弓形动物,但关于是否应将其与熊(ursids),ursids和pinnipeds(海豹,海狮,海象),浣熊(procyonids),胡须类(浣熊加鼬鼠,臭鼬,水獭和badge [mustelids]),或系统发育亲和力不确定的单型谱系。分析了来自三个线粒体基因和一个核内含子的核苷酸序列数据,比以前在主要分子数据分析中可获得的有关分类单元(类胡萝卜素)的分类学采样更为完整,以阐明小熊猫与其他弧形食肉动物的系统发育关系。这项研究提供了详细的系统发育分析(简约性和最大似然性),包括弧形食肉动物的主要特征数据,包括所有弧形节点的自举和衰变指数,以及三种关于大熊猫放置的系统发育假设的统计检验。综合的系统发育分析拒绝了以下假设:小熊猫与熊(熊类)或浣熊(procyonids)关系最密切。相反,来自核苷酸序列的证据强烈支持将红熊猫放置在宽阔的鼬科动物进化枝中,包括三个主要谱系(红熊猫,臭鼬(蜕皮动物),以及明显的单性进化的procyonids和鼬类进化枝)。 ,不包括臭鼬])。在鼬类中,三个主要谱系之间的相互关系尚不清楚,可能最好将其视为未解决的三分法。这些数据为小熊猫之间的关系提供了令人信服的证据,并证明小规模的分类样本可能导致误导或可能错误(基于先前的建模,以及我们对越来越少的完整数据集的分析结果之间的冲突)有关系统发育关系和分类的结论。



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