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In the shadow of phylogenetic uncertainty: The recent diversification of Lysandra butterflies through chromosomal change


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The phylogeny of the butterfly genus Lysandra (Lycaenidae, Polyommatinae) has been intractable using both molecular and morphological characters, which could be a result of speciation due to karyotype instability. Here we reconstruct the phylogeny of the group using multi-locus coalescent-based methods on seven independent genetic markers. While the genus is ca. 4.9 Mya old, the diversification of the extant lineages was extremely recent (ca. 1.5 Mya) and involved multiple chromosomal rearrangements. We find that relationships are uncertain due to both incomplete lineage sorting and hybridization. Minimizing the impact of reticulation in inferring the species tree by testing for mitochondrial introgression events yields a partially resolved tree with three main supported clades: L. punctifera+. L. bellargus, the corydonius taxa, and L. coridon+. the Iberian taxa, plus three independent lineages without apparently close relatives (L. ossmar, L. syriaca and L. dezina). Based on these results and new karyotypic data, we propose a rearrangement recognizing ten species within the genus. Finally, we hypothesize that chromosomal instability may have played a crucial role in the Lysandra recent diversification. New chromosome rearrangements might be fixed in populations after severe bottlenecks, which at the same time might promote rapid sorting of neutral molecular markers. We argue that population bottlenecks might be a prerequisite for chromosomal speciation in this group.
机译:蝴蝶属Lysandra(Lycaenidae,Polyommatinae)的系统发育在分子和形态学特征上都很棘手,这可能是由于核型不稳定性造成物种形成的结果。在这里,我们在七个独立的遗传标记上使用基于多位点聚结的方法重建该群体的系统发育。虽然属。 4.9 Mya古老,现存谱系的多样化是最近才出现的(约1.5 Mya),涉及多个染色体重排。我们发现,由于谱系排序和杂交不完整,关系不确定。通过测试线粒体渗入事件来最小化网状结构在推断物种树中的影响,从而得到部分分解的树,其具有三个主要的支持进化枝:L。punctifera +。贝氏乳杆菌,紫杉类群和科里登乳杆菌+。伊比利亚分类群,外加三个独立的血统,没有近亲(L. ossmar,L。syriaca和L. dezina)。基于这些结果和新的核型数据,我们提出了重排,以识别该属中的十个物种。最后,我们假设染色体不稳定可能在Lysandra最近的多样化中发挥了关键作用。严重的瓶颈后,新的染色体重排可能会在种群中得到修复,同时这可能会促进中性分子标记物的快速分选。我们认为人口瓶颈可能是该群体中染色体物种形成的先决条件。



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