首页> 外文期刊>Molecular phylogenetics and evolution >Evolutionary history of Lake Tanganyika's scale-eating cichlid fishes

Evolutionary history of Lake Tanganyika's scale-eating cichlid fishes


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Although Lake Tanganyika is not the most species-rich of the Great East African Lakes it comprises by far the greatest diversity of cichlid fishes in terms of morphology, ecology, and breeding styles. Our study focuses on the Tanganyikan cichlid tribe Perissodini, which exhibits one of the most peculiar feeding strategies found in cichlids-scale-eating. Their evolutionary history was reconstructed from 1416 bp DNA sequence of two mitochondrial genes (ND2 and partial control region) and from 612 AFLP markers. We confirm the inclusion of the zooplanktivorous genus Haplotaxodon in the tribe Perissodini, and species status of Haplotaxodon trifasciatus. Within the Perissodini, the major lineages emerged within a short period roughly 1.5-2 MYA, which makes their radiation slightly younger than that of other Tanganyikan cichlid tribes. Most scale-caters evolved in deep-water habitat, perhaps associated with the previously documented radiations of other deep-water dwelling cichlid lineages, and colonized the shallow habitat only recently. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:尽管坦any尼喀湖不是东非大湖中物种最多的湖泊,但就形态,生态和繁殖方式而言,它迄今包括的丽鱼科鱼类种类最多。我们的研究集中于坦any坎丽鱼科鱼类丽鱼(Perissodini)部落,它展现了丽鱼科鳞鱼饮食中最奇特的喂养策略之一。从两个线粒体基因(ND2和部分控制区)的1416 bp DNA序列和612个AFLP标记重建了它们的进化历史。我们确认在Perissodini部落中包括了食道动物单倍体属,以及单倍体单胞菌属的物种状况。在佩里索迪尼岛内,主要血统在短时间内出现,大约为1.5-2 MYA,这使其辐射比其他坦Tang尼坎丽鱼科鱼类部落的辐射稍年轻。大多数捕食者在深水生境中进化,可能与先前记录的其他深水生慈鲷科目谱系的辐射有关,只是在最近才定居在浅水生境中。 (c)2007 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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